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UNC Kenan-Flagler Defines Successful MBA Student

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qualities of a successful MBA studentWhile all top-tier MBA programs are filled with smart students that have a strong quantitative background, the UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School throws an ampersand into the mix when it comes to listing the qualities of a successful MBA student.

With the introduction of the -&- as part of its recent branding efforts, Kenan-Flagler is looking for book-smart candidates who are also collaborative, passionate and empathetic. "This simple, one-character symbol represents the beautiful blend of contradiction our students bring to the table," writes Kelly Lynch in a recent post on the Kenan-Flagler MBA Blog.

"If you were to look at a Venn diagram of 'quantitative abilities' and 'qualitative abilities,' our students would fall within the intersection of the two circles," says Lynch. "That is what makes them so spectacular; they can master both the Science & Heart of business."

They understand a business’ need for financial success & social responsibility.  They have the knowledge to be accomplished in their field & the courage to do what is right.  They not only learn in the classroom, but also take what they have learned & apply it to real life scenarios.  Simply put, they are highly skilled in both book smarts & street smarts.  Altogether, these are the qualities of a successful MBA student at UNC Kenan-Flagler.

If you’re reading this and thinking that you don’t quite fall into both of these categories, that’s ok, says Lynch, who notes that these qualities are what UNC Kenan-Flagler strives to evoke and instill in students by the time they graduate.


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