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GMAT Question of the Day (Feb 19)

Miranda Menestrina 0


How many integers between 324,700 and 458,600 have a 2 in the tens digit and a 1 in the units digit?

A. 1,339
B. 1,352
C. 1,353
D. 10,030
E. 10,300

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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State university's physics department requires that all tenured professors be "deliverable-oriented" in other words, focused on the creation and publication of new technical research that would add to the reputation of the university. Professor HAwkings, however, is known for his unorthodox methods of teaching and popularity among undergraduate students. Therefore, Professor Hawkings is in direct violation of State University policy and shouldn't be considered a candidate for department chair.

Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chili pepper crops, sugar beet and walnut in the region, but in the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry.[/u]

A. Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chili pepper crops, sugar beet and walnut in the region, but in the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry.

B. Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chili pepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region, but in the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry.

C. Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chili pepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region, but more effective pest-control methods that were introduced in the 1880s saved the citrus industry.

D. In the 1880s, pests destroyed grape, celery, chili pepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region and more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry.

E. In the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry from what was destroying grape, celery, chili pepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region.

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - B - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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