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GMAT Question of the Day (March 9)

Miranda Menestrina 1


Train A leaves the Keleti station in Budapest at 5:00PM and travels to Moscow at the speed of 50 mph. If train B leaves Keleti for Moscow some time later on the same day, at what time will train B overtake train A? The distance between the cities is 970 miles.

(1) Train B leaves Keleti at 6:00PM.

(2) Train A travels at \frac{5}{6} the speed of train B.

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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Government restrictions have severely limited the amount of stem cell research American companies can conduct. Because of these restrictions, many American scientists who specialize in the field of stem cell research have signed long-term contracts to work for foreign companies. Recently, Congress has proposed lifting all restrictions on stem cell research. Which of the following conclusions can most properly be inferred from the information above?

A. At least some foreign companies that conduct stem cell research work under fewer restrictions than some American companies do.

B. Because American scientists are under long-term contracts to foreign companies, there will be a significant influx of foreign professionals into the United States.

C. In all parts of the world, stem cell research is dependent on the financial backing of local government.

D. In the near future, American companies will no longer be at the forefront of stem cell research.

E. If restrictions on stem cell research are lifted, many of the American scientists will break their contracts to return to American companies.

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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  1. Hi where is the answer for this question pls? When I click on Question Discussion & Explanation, I have an answer to a different question.. many thanks !

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