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My Quant Score is Below 80th Percentile – Test Again?

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My Quant Score is Below 80th Percentile – Test Again?

In the past 18 months, it has been relatively hard for candidates to score in the 80s (percentile) on the quant part of the GMAT exam. The raw score of 50 often correlates with an 88th percentile performance in quant, while a raw score of 49 often correlates with a 79th percentile performance in quant! That is a big difference in percentile ranking.

So, for the candidate who only scores at the 74th or 79th percentile in quant, is your quest for admissions to a top US MBA program futile? No! A score of 47-51 on quant is a solid performance. Your profile (under-represented vs. over-represented) may impact whether the admissions committee at one of the Top-10 business schools will accept a quant score in the low-70s (percentile), but given where the raw score places you and the fact that there was little room for improvement on the raw score, you should not assume a GMAT score in the low-70s (percentile) will cause an automatic rejection. The admissions committee will likely assess that score in the context of your entire GMAT performance (IR especially) and your entire academic and professional record (how strong your college grades were, if you have excelled in quantitative courses or professional work, etc.). Plenty of candidates have made it into the Top-5 business schools in the last two years with quant scores on the GMAT that placed them in the 70s by way of percentile.

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Best wishes,

Dr. Shel (Shelly Watts)
President, MBA