June 08, 2016

Joined: Aug 09, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:

e-GMAT- Verbal Masters


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I am very happy to write this review and hope this would help GMAT aspirants. My goal when I started preparing was to score 680-700. My first mock score was 490 (Q39, V19). I had anticipated that I would need to work on Verbal but had never imagined that I would start with such a low score on Verbal. A couple of weeks into my break, I attended the free session by e-GMAT (thanks to GMAT Club for the invite). While I always knew the importance of meaning, the session demonstrated how to employ meaning to get to the right answer. The method outlined in the session was very methodical and yet very simple.

If you are having hard time with sentence corrections apply this technique.
Do not rush through the original sentence and move on to looking for splits. Rather, read the given sentence slowly and understand its meaning by focusing on sentence structure. Sentence structure = knowing and accounting for all the noun, pronouns, verbs, modifiers, and parallel lists. Once you do that you should know the meaning. Once you know the meaning, identify faults in sentence structure. Once you have found 2 or three such errors, look for splits and get to the right answer.
Even though this method seems longer, in reality it is much more efficient than rushing to the answer choices directly.

The different type of CR questions explained in e-GMAT course would really give you an upper hand during your verbal section. If you identify the type you can save a lot of time for other questions. The RC course will make you learn techniques to break down the complex paragraphs and understand its meaning. This definitely reduces lot of pressure and time when you get a RC passage on an unfamiliar topic.

The scholaranium is one such platform which would boost your score. A lot of questions are available on the scholaranium and also you can keep a track of your mistakes. This helps you to improve with the every new topic you learn.

My overall experience with e-GMAT was exceptional and I would suggest everyone to go ahead with the course if you are struggling in Verbal. I have raised my score from V19 to V36. So, this would definitely bring an improvement to your score.

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