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More Students Head to Mom and Pop For Jobs 0

With the job market as bad as it is, that family business is starting to look more and more appealing to many undergraduate business school students and graduates, reports a BusinessWeek article last week entitled "Family Inc.: The New B-School Job Choice."

Many undergraduate business students head to school in order to expand their post-grad job options—that usually means ruling out working for mom and pop. However, a growing number of students are opting out of the grueling Wall Street or Corporate America job search and are opting in to the family business.

Some schools offer programs, forums, and courses in family business; such options are receiving a jump in enrollment. Popular topics in this area include developing a personal leadership plan, drafting a succession plan, and working together with parents to avoid conflict. The classes provide the perfect opportunity for students to reflect on whether returning to the family business is what they really want to do.

Most family business programs or courses also delve deeply into innovation and entrepreneurship. "The second generation joining the family business better well be entrepreneurs if the business is to continue to succeed," explains Frank Hoy, co-author of Entrepreneurial Family Firms, a family business textbook. Students who return to the family business holding business degrees are not expected to work passively for their parents, but to initiate innovation and to propel the family business forward.

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