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The MBA Tour: Before, During, & After (Part 1)

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The Princeton Review is going to teach all you MBAers how to make the best of this exceptional function.  This three pronged article will help prepare you for the tour, cheer you on during it, and pat your back when you’re finished.  So, here it is, The MBA Tour: Before, During, and After (Part 1).

One of the most critical aspects of applying to business school is selecting the program that is best suited to your interests and career goals.  Tours or Fairs provide you with an opportunity to gain in-depth information from school representatives that you can’t find on Google. These reps will help you evaluate programs and find your matching puzzle piece.

At the MBA Tour you will be face to face with business school admissions directors and alumni from the nation’s most credible MBA programs.  Here, you can discuss what an MBA offers your career and what it takes to get that acceptance letter.  You can register here for any of the dates and cities listed below:

September 2 Houston

September 11 Boston

September 12 Washington DC

September 14 Chicago

September 19 NYC

September 20 NYC Euro MBA  

September 23 Atlanta

September 25 Los Angeles

September 26 San Francisco

November 8 Calgary

November 10 Vancouver

November 13 Toronto

November 15 Montreal

If you plan to attend, please take a look at our list of tips and to-do’s before, during, and after the event. Well, just “Before the Event” for now.  “During the Event” and “After the Event” will come at a later date.

Before the Event

  1. Eyes on the prize. Make concrete connections between the value the tour represents and your personal and professional goals. Outline several goals that you are committed to and keep them in mind throughout this process.
  2. Who RSVP’d? Review the agenda to see what schools will be in attendance.  Plan your schedule, be selective and strategize your time.
  3. Google it. Research the schools that might be of interest to you.  If you spend a little time getting some background, then you can ask focused and specific questions. Showing a genuine interest in a program will impress representatives.
  4. Pull Rank. According to your preference, visit programs you are most attracted to FIRST. This ensures plenty of time to gather as much information as you need.
  5. Elevator pitch. Write, edit, and practice, practice, practice your “elevator pitch” – the ability to sell yourself in a concise, yet informative manner in the briefest moment of time.  The formula: name, relevant experience, and highlights of skills and strengths. Remember to tailor your introduction to each school based on thorough research and knowledge of their programs.
  6. Shake it off. While you’re at it, check your handshake. Is it lettuce limp? Or bone crushing?
  7. Ask away. Prepare a list of the most important questions you want answered.  It is easy to forget things when rushed or anxious. This will help you determine if there is a match between the program and your goals. Your questions may address topics such as: Reputation of Faculty, Quality of Program, Cost, Admissions Requirements, Curriculum, Employment/Placement, Geographic Location and Student Life.
  8. Answer away. Be prepared to answer questions from the admissions representatives, such as, “Why do you want to attend business school?” and, “When?” They will also inquire about your experience, long-range goals, and strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Supplies.  Figure out what you need to take to the event and get them ready NOW.  Unwrinkle that suit, polish those shoes, print out the ole resume, grab a nice lookin’ notebook and a shiny new pen from the store.

Check out the dates and locations, get registered, and keep an eye out for our next article The MBA Tour: Before, During, and After (Part 2).  This article will focus on to-do’s during the event.

Remember, if you attend The MBA Tour you will receive $250 off Princeton Review Classroom and LiveOnline courses for the GMAT and 10% off online courses or private tutoring when you enroll by October 31, 2010.  To learn more click here.