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GMAT Question of the Day (Nov 23): Word Problem and Critical Reasoning

akkane 0

Math (PS)

If a company sells S tons (1 ton = 1000 kilograms) of product A annually and charges B dollars per ton, what is the profit if it costs G dollars to manufacture a kilogram of product A and P dollars to ship it to the customer?

(A) b-1000g+1000p
(B) bs-\frac{g+p}{1000}
(C) (b-(g+p))*s
(D) \left(\frac{g}{1000}-(b+p)\right)*s
(E) \left(\frac{b}{1000}-(g+p)\right)*1000s

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

GMAT Daily Deals

Verbal (CR)

Women make up a larger proportion of workers in the information services industry than they did ten years ago. This is partly shown by the fact that in 1985, only 7 percent of women in the workforce were employed in the information services industry, but in 1995, over 16 percent of women in the workforce were employed in the information services industry.

In evaluating the argument above, it would be most useful to compare 1985 and 1995 with regard to which of the following characteristics?

(A) The percentage of women in the workforce who were not employed in the information services industry
(B) The percentage of women who are now retired who have worked in the information services industry
(C) The percentage of women who have been promoted to managerial positions within the information services industry
(D) The percentage of men in the workforce who were employed in the information services industry
(E) The percentage of men who will soon be eligible for employment in the information services industry

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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