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GMAT Question of the Day (Aug 7): Probability and Critical Reasoning

Miranda Menestrina 1

Math (PS)

A flower shop has 2 tulips, 2 roses, 2 daisies, and 2 lilies. If two flowers are sold at random, what is the probability of not picking exactly two tulips?

(A) \frac{1}{8}
(B) \frac{1}{7}
(C) \frac{1}{2}
(D) \frac{7}{8}
(E) \frac{27}{28}

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


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Verbal (CR)

Everyone who has graduated from TopNotch High School has an intelligence quotient (IQ) of over 120. Most students with an IQ of over 120 and all students with an IQ of over 150 who apply to one or more Ivy League universities are accepted to at least one of them.

The statements above, if true, best support which of the following conclusions?

(A) Every graduate of TopNotch High School with an IQ of 150 has been accepted to at least one Ivy-League school.
(B) If a person is a high-school graduate and has an IQ of less than 100, he or she could not have been a student at TopNotch High School.
(C) If a person has an IQ of 130 and is attending an Ivy-League school, it is possible for him or her to have graduated from TopNotch High School.
(D) At least one graduate from TopNotch high school who has applied to at least one Ivy-League university has been accepted to one of them.
(E) If a high-school graduate has an IQ of 150 and is not attending an Ivy-League school, then he or she did not apply to one of them.

Answers to the questions: E, C
For explanations please see these threads: math and verbal


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  1. anilvb anilvb

    its tough to chosse between E and A ..but i will go with A

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