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GMAT Question of the Day (March 12)

Miranda Menestrina 0


There are two concentric circles with radii 10 and 8. If the radius of the outer circle is increased by 10% and the radius of the inner circle decreased by 50%, approximately by what percent does the area between the circles grow?

A. 140%
B. 141%
C. 190%
D. 192%
E. 292%

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit[/u] is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

A. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit

B. Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit

C. Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit

D. Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit

E. Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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