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GMAT Question of the Day (December 7)

Jeff 0


At a dog competition, a dog is awarded 10 points if it runs through 4 pipes, makes 10 jumps, and walks on 2 beams. If Roofy gets 9 points after missing a pipe and Ralph gets 7 points after missing a pipe and a beam, how many points does Butch get if he misses 4 jumps but goes through the rest of the exercises perfectly?

A. 8.2
B. 8.4
C. 8.8
D. 9.0
E. 9.2


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

GMAT Daily Deals


The modern rise of mobile, social, and location-based technologies has allowed humans to become more tech-savvy now than at any time in their history.
(A) more tech-savvy now than at any time in their
(B) more tech-savvy than they were at any time in their
(C) more tech-savvy than those at any other time in
(D) more tech-savvy than those at any other time in their
(E) more tech-savvy now than at any time in


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer- C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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