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GMAT Question of the Day (February 1)

Jeff 0


If Richard is 3 years younger than his sister, how old will Richard be in 5 years?

(1) Two years ago, Richard's sister was twice as old as Richard.

(2) If Richard's sister were born 2 years earlier, she would now be twice as old as Richard.


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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Commercial Transcript: The Berringer Motorcycle Company puts safety first while the typical motorcycle sold today offers performance, but at the expense of rider safety. The Berringer range of motorcycles has undergone National Highway Safety Administration evaluation, and Independent Board of Safety examinations, both the foremost experts in motorcycle safety. That’s why Berringer motorcyclists can expect a degree of safety assurance unrivaled among performance motorbikes.

The answer to which one of the following questions would be most useful in evaluating the truth of the claim made in the commercial transcript?

Ⓐ Have the National Highway Safety Administration, and the Independent Board of Safety also conducted safety tests on other products manufactured by Berringer?

Ⓑ How significantly does the average motorcyclist weigh the safety of a motorcycle?

Ⓒ What were the findings of the National Highway Safety Administration evaluation, and the Independent Board of Safety examinations?

Ⓓ Do motorcyclists have access to transportation methods safer than motorcycling?

Ⓔ Does any other motorcycle offer as much in performance as does a Berringer motorcycle?


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer- C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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