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GMAT Question of the Day (February 26)

Jeff 0


Are all elements of set S less than 20?
(1) The smallest element of S is 0.

(2) The range of S is 20.


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - C -  (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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From comic artist Mark Tatulli's witty observations about the American obsession with all things Hollywood have emerged Heart of the City, a series about celebrity gossip and popular movies that are inspiring readers to send record volumes of fan mail to newspapers across the country.

(A) things Hollywood have emerged Heart of the City, a series about celebrity gossip and popular movies that are inspiring

(B) things Hollywood has emerged Heart of the City, a series about celebrity gossip and popular movies that is inspiring correct

(C) things that are related to Hollywood has emerged Heart of the City, a series about celebrity gossip and popular movies that inspire

(D) Hollywood things have emerged Heart of the City, a series about celebrity gossip and popular movies that are inspiring

(E) Hollywood things have emerged Heart of the City, a series about celebrity gossip and popular movies that inspire your answer


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - B - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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