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GMAT Question of the Day (November 15)

Jeff 0


If an athlete ran the first half of a 200-meter race in 10 seconds and the second half in 12 seconds, by how much was his average speed over the first half larger than that over the second?

A. 2.0 kmh
B. 3.0 kmh
C. 3.6 kmh
D. 6.0 kmh
E. 7.2 kmh

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


While the Eastern Whip-poor-will -–a nocturnal bird that feeds mostly in the very early morning–- and the Common Nighthawk –-a nocturnal bird from the same family that, despite its name, feeds mostly during the morning and evening–- appear equal in size to each other when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.

A) appear equal in size to each other when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
B) appear equal in size to one another when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
C) appear equal in size when sitting on a branch or in a nest; in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan.
D) appear equal in size to each other when they are sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan
E) appear equal in size when they are seen on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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