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GMAT Question of the Day (December 22)

Jeff 0


A company producing fruit juice changed its packaging from boxes measuring 5 x 10 x 20 centimeters to boxes measuring 6 x 10 x 20 centimeters. If the price of a box did not change and all boxes are full of juice, by approximately what percent did the price of the juice decrease?

A. 12.00%
B. 16.67%
C. 18.33%
D. 20.00%
E. 21.50%

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - B - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


A recent study, published by the California Bureau of Employment, found that people who sent in resumes with “ethnic-sounding” names had a much more difficult time getting called back from employers as people who sent in resumes showing similar qualifications but “white-sounding” names.

A)employers as people who sent in resumes showing similar qualifications but “white-sounding” names.

B)employers as those who did send in resumes showing similar qualifications but with “white-sounding” names.

C)employers than those who sent in resumes showing similar qualifications but “white-sounding” names.

D)employers than those who did send in resumes showing similar qualifications but with “white-sounding” names.

E)employers than people did who sent in resumes showing similar qualifications but with “white-sounding” names.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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