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GMAT Question of the Day (January 12)

Jeff 0


If 3 kilometers are equivalent to 1.8 miles, which of the following is closest to 4 miles?

A. 5 \frac{8}{9} \text{ kilometers}
B. 6 \frac{1}{3} \text{ kilometers}
C. 6 \frac{3}{4} \text{ kilometers}
D. 6 \frac{5}{6} \text{ kilometers}
E. 7 \frac{2}{3} \text{ kilometers}

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


 Beginning in 1997, high school seniors in State Q have been required to pass a comprehensive proficiency exam before they are allowed to graduate. The exam requirement was intended to ensure that a minimum level of academic quality will be achieved by the students in the state. In 1997, 20 percent of the seniors did not pass the exam and were, therefore, not allowed to graduate. In 1998, the number of seniors who passed the exam decreased by 10% from the previous year.

The argument above, if true, LEAST supports which of the following statement.

A. If the percentage of high school seniors who passed the exam increased from 1997 to 1998 , the number of high schools seniors decreased during that time period.

B. If the percentage of high school seniors who passed the exam decreased from 1997 to 1998 , the number of high schools seniors increased during that time period.

C. Unless the number of high school seniors was lower in 1998 than in 1997, the number of seniors who passed the exam in 1998 was lower than 80 percent.

D. If the number of high school seniors who did not pass the exam decreased by more than 10 percent from 1997 to 1998, the percentage of high school seniors who passed the exam in 1998 was greater than 80 percent.

E. If the percentage of high school seniors who passed the exam in 1998 was less than 70 percent, the number of high school seniors in 1997 was higher than the number in 1998.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - B - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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