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Question of the Day (May 23)

Jeff 0


Since the end of the recently extended recession, prices for all of the major commodities sold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, including niche agricultural goods such as orange juice and cheese, have been rising to five-year high levels.

A. recently extended recession, prices for all of the major commodities sold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, including niche agricultural goods such as orange juice and cheese, have been rising to five-year high levels.
B. recently extended recession, prices for each of the major commodities sold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, including niche agricultural goods such as orange juice and cheese, rose to five-year highs.
C. recent, extended recession, prices for all of the major commodities sold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, including that of such niche agricultural goods as orange juice and cheese, have risen to five-year high levels.
D. recent, extended recession, prices for each of the major commodities sold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, including niche agricultural goods such as orange juice and cheese, rose to five-year highs.
E. recent, extended recession, prices for each of the major commodities sold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, including such niche agricultural goods as orange juice and cheese, have risen to five-year highs.  

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Bonus RC Question of the Day


What is the value of x^2?

(1) x = \sqrt{2x - 1}

(2) x^2 = x^3

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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