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GMAT Question of the Day (September 20)

Jeff 0


Previously, all owners of an Electra card could receive a 6% discount on any item they purchased at an Electra supermarket. If as a result of inflation, however, the price of all items at the Electra supermarket rose by 20% while the dollar amount of the discount did not change for any item, which of the following represents the new discount as a percent of an item's price?

A. 4.0
B. 4.5
C. 4.8
D. 5.0
E. 5.5

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


The Dear One Baby Carrier is the safest and most comfortable baby carrier available today. The hard plastic exterior retains its shape when subjected to minor impacts, while the thick interior “comfort pad” acts as a shock absorber. The design is based on the results of the most comprehensive baby carrier study performed to date, which analyzed comfort preferences both of infants placed inside the carriers and of adults carrying the devices. As a bonus, the Dear One Baby Carrier converts easily from an at-large carrier to a car seat, reducing the risk to infants when they are being transferred from a carrier to a car seat.

Which of the following, if true, would most undermine the safety and comfort claims made about the Dear One Baby Carrier?

(A) The hard plastic exterior of the Dear One Baby Carrier does not retain its shape when dropped from an average carrying height.
(B) On average, the number of babies injured each year while riding in a car seat is greater than the number of babies injured each year while being transferred from a carrier to a car seat.
(C) According to the study on which the design of the Dear One Baby Carrier was based, the percentage of infants who prefer the comfort of a baby carrier scheduled to be released next year by a rival company is significantly higher than the percentage of infants who prefer the comfort of the Dear One Baby Carrier.
(D) Studies suggest that car seats that double as baby carriers are, on average, slightly less safe than single-function baby car seats.
(E) A rival company has successfully replicated the design of the Dear One Baby Carrier while utilizing a new type of plastic that is significantly stronger and lighter than the type used in the Dear One Baby Carrier.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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