215. Comparing the Quechans with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans were singularly uninterested in the accumulation of material wealth or in the crafting of elaborate pottery and basketry.
(A) Comparing the Quechans with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans ---- though this sentence looks gramatically correct, it is little awkward to use Quenchens twice. if there is no better answer choice, we can prefer this
(B) When you compare the Quechans to other Native Americans of the Southwest, they ---- here we are not sure what 'they' refers to, the Quenchens or native americans of south west?
(C) When other Native Americans of the Southwest are compared to the Quechans, they ---- here we are not sure what 'they' refers to, the Quenchens or native americans of south west?
(D) Comparison to other Native Americans of the Southwest shows that the Quechans ---- 'compared to' is preferred over 'comparison to'
(E) Compared with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans ---- best answer choice, without any wordy construction
What is wrong with option A....
according to the solution the answer is E....pls explain
The correct usage i think should be
compared to / comparison with
my explanations are provided above...
I think it is not advisable to eliminate an answer choice solely based on the idioms used, especially in GMAT. Most of the questions have other differences.