Q1. St. John’s, Newfoundland, lies on the same latitude as Paris, France, but in spring St. John’s residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking shelter from a raging northeast storm. (A) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking (B) residents are less likely to sit at outdoor cafes, and more to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or be seeking (C) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes, and more likely to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or to be seeking (D) residents, instead of their sitting at outdoor cafes, they are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or seek (E) residents, instead of sitting at outdoor cafes, are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or to be seeking Difficulty - Hard
Q2. During the twentieth century, the study of the large-scale structure of the universe evolved from the theoretical to the practical; the field of physical cosmology was made possible because of both Einstein’s theory of relativity and the better ability to observe extremely distant astronomical objects. (A) because of both Einstein’s theory of relativity and (B) by both Einstein’s theory of relativity and (C) by Einstein’s theory of relativity and also (D) because of Einstein’s theory of relativity and also (E) as a result of both Einstein’s theory of relativity and Difficulty - Hard
SC Questions January - 6 :Q1. The writer Katherine Mansfield produced a body of work
with a number of titles greater than James Joyce but only half the total number of pages, as many of her pieces are short stories while his are dense novels.
A) with a number of titles greater than James Joyce but only half the total number of pages, as many
B) containing more titles than James Joyce had, but Katherine Mansfield wrote only half the total number of pages, and many
C) containing a number of titles that is greater than James Joyce’s, but hers had only half the total number of pages, as many
D) comprising more titles than the work of James Joyce, but consisting of only half the total number of pages, and many
E) comprising more titles than that produced by James Joyce but consisting of only half the total number of pages, since many
Q2. Up-and-coming athletic wear companies like Envirotek have recently moved to Portland to avail themselves of the city’s deep pool of health enthusiasts,
retail market that prizes environmentally friendly products, and its growing community of investors in socially responsible companies, among other things.
A) retail market that prizes environmentally friendly products, and its
B) a retail market that prizes environmentally friendly products, and a
C) a retail market that prizes environmentally friendly products, and of a
D) retail market that prizes environmentally friendly products, and the city’s
E) retail market that prizes environmentally friendly products, and a
Difficulty - Hard