Expand it as (11 + 5²)^55^41
Now only 1st term of binomial will contain power of 11 and last term power of 5 rest all terns will have mixed powers of 11 and 5 making them multiple of 55
C⁰.11⁵⁵*⁴¹.5⁰ + ( here all mixed terms are multiples ) + C⁵⁵*⁴¹.11⁰.5²*⁵⁵*⁴¹
Thus we are looking at reduced terms
11⁵⁵*⁴¹ / 55 ( now ofcourse it will factor out 11 remaining to check for divisiblity by 5 and you know remainder will be 1 cuz 11^anything will have 1 in last digit )
besides you can again use BT as (10 + 1)⁵⁵*41 / 55
(5¹¹⁰)^41 / 55
5⁴⁵⁰⁹ / 11
(this is a bit tricky part , but remainder of this is 0)
expand it using (11 - 1)⁴⁵⁰⁹ / 22 use binomial expansion and again find out which terms are multiples of 22
This specific part can also be calculated using modular arithmetic( refer geekforgeeks )
So total remainder 1 + 0 = 1
Binomial theorem:
https://byjus.com/jee/binomial-theorem/Correction: 1 is the remainder