Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Harley1980 owns 6508 Kudos, gave away 178 Kudos.

bbRe: Introduce Yourself - Private Forum Only13-Aug-2015
dominicrajRe: A certain auto repair shop services a particular make of car in the13-Aug-2015
bbIntroduce Yourself - Private Forum Only13-Aug-2015
ENGRTOMBA2018Re: Simple way to always control time during the quant part.11-Aug-2015
daaghRe: Those who maintain that technology is negatively rewiring our brains10-Aug-2015
ENGRTOMBA2018650 to 750, a 10-month journey to the score08-Aug-2015
PillarsofcreationBenford’s Law, stating that certain numbers appear more often in06-Aug-2015
DirkyRe: Krate Motors, one of the leading automakers in the country, sells all04-Aug-2015
notwithstandingA study of ticket sales at a summer theater festival found that people02-Aug-2015
daaghRe: & Over time, weightlessness causes medical problems in astronauts,02-Aug-2015
DmitryFarberRe: & The article on the subject of Colombian drug lords30-Jul-2015
daaghDue to the generous invitation by the host, Jeremy, along26-Jul-2015
daaghRe: The freshly baked pie is smelling so good that the kids couldn’t wait25-Jul-2015
peaceyallMBA Books - Good books to read prior to MBA [Merged]24-Jul-2015
BicepBrachiiAdvertising is one of the key revenue generators for the website drenc23-Jul-2015
iPenRe: An ordinance passed after a recent municipal ballot measure that made23-Jul-2015
LMThe computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-pri21-Jul-2015
ENGRTOMBA2018Re: Originally Charles City County, Virginia, natives, United States19-Jul-2015
PathFinder007The German chancellor and dictator, Adolf Hitler, whom historians have19-Jul-2015
ENGRTOMBA2018Advertising is one of the key revenue generators for the website drenc19-Jul-2015
WillGetItIn Colorado subalpine meadows, nonnative dandelions co-occur with a na19-Jul-2015
WillGetItProposed new safety rules for the Beach City airport would lengthen19-Jul-2015
WillGetItOne summer, floods covered low-lying garlic fields situated in a region19-Jul-2015

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