Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Pranavb1302 owns 16 Kudos, gave away 17 Kudos.

KarishmaBRe: Arrow AB which is a line segment exactly 5 units along with01-Oct-2020
Lucky2783Re: Let a 2-placer be a terminating decimal, between 0 and 1, for which01-Oct-2020
bindiyajoisherThe sum of four consecutive odd numbers is equal to the sum01-Oct-2020
AKProdigy87Re: If the product of all the unique positive divisors of n, a positive in30-Sep-2020
gmatpapaIf the product of all the unique positive divisors of n, a positive in30-Sep-2020
mau5An isosceles triangle with one angle of 120° is inscribed in30-Sep-2020
BunuelRe: In the figure, point D divides side BC of triangle ABC into segments30-Sep-2020
carcassThe GMATClub Definitive Guide to the AWA30-Sep-2020
Soumya200011Re: Maesanin the active ingredient in an herbal tea used by East Africans28-Sep-2020
yashikaaggarwalRe: * The Kraew reef is a diverse underwater ecological system that has28-Sep-2020
Bunuel* As part of the courting season of lance-tailed manikins, a beta male28-Sep-2020
BunuelRe: How many times will the digit 7 be written when listing the integers18-Sep-2020
GMATmronevsallRe: Heroes of Timers Competition - Win Prizes!25-Aug-2020
Russ19Re: Short Notes for Sentence Correction21-Aug-2020
KinshookRe: Short Notes for Sentence Correction21-Aug-2020
tejal777What is the sum of all possible solutions of the equation |x + 4|^2 -05-Aug-2020

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