Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

keats owns 1308 Kudos, gave away 86 Kudos.

rahulprasad11Re: Analysis of GMAT 1- 670(Q49,V31) + GMAT 1 ESR & GMAT 2- 730(Q49,V40)06-Sep-2016
VeritasPrepBrianRe: The discovery that Earths inner core rotates independently of and more23-Aug-2016
PronzRe: Especially in the early years, new entrepreneurs may need to find reso03-Aug-2016
anupamgupta2112Re: Calling all Duke Fuqua MBA Applicants: (2017 Intake) Class of 2019!!03-Aug-2016
rishi02Re: Query regarding up gradation of GMAT Prep Software28-Jul-2016
stinali57Debrief 550 to 710 (2 YEARS!!! 6 TIMES!!!)07-Jun-2016
nik07Re: Calling all Urbana-Champaign Applicants: (2016 Intake) Class of 2018!!17-May-2016
abduabdRe: Calling all Rotman(Toronto) Applicants: (2016 Intake) Class of 2018!!13-Feb-2016
AdmitJAHow to prepare your recommenders best!04-Jan-2016
gmatpunjabiIn a certain bathtub, both the cold-water and the hot-water fixtures07-Nov-2015
BunuelA certain city with population of 132,000 is to be divided into 1105-Nov-2015
Abhishek009Re: Calories consumed in excess of those with which the body needs to be19-Oct-2015
vinyasguptaA group of 5 friends—Archie, Betty, Jerry, Moose, and09-Oct-2015
puneet478Re: Rhombus hard problem07-Oct-2015
AdmitJARe: Calling all Duke (Fuqua) Applicants (2016 Intake) Class of 2018!!26-Sep-2015
rajsinghal71Re: Today, because of improvements in agricultural technology, the same12-Jul-2015
rajsinghal71Re: Correct Usage of Being12-Jul-2015
kevincanRe: Is n/18 an integer? (1) 5n/18 is an integer. (2) 3n/18 is an integer.11-Jul-2015
honchosIn his experiments with gravity, Isaac Newton showed how the motion27-Jun-2015
kinjiGCRe: Delta Products Inc. has recently switched at least partly from older22-Jun-2015
JackalRe: What is the area of a quadrilateral with a perimeter of 24 centimeters20-May-2015
imhimanshuLast August the XT chain of gasoline stations had a temporary sales14-Feb-2015
BunuelGMAT Prep Software Analysis and What If Scenarios14-Jan-2015
grumpyoldmanRe: Ozone, a special form of oxygen that screens out harmful ultraviolet30-Nov-2014

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