Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

sayan640 owns 635 Kudos, gave away 775 Kudos.

melloharshChat post31-Aug-2024
tgsankar10Chat post31-Aug-2024
tgsankar10Chat post31-Aug-2024
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nafuzzzChat post31-Aug-2024
nafuzzzChat post31-Aug-2024
MartyMurrayRe: A utilities company sells electrical wiring at $7 per 15 meters, which31-Aug-2024
siddhantvarmaRe: A utilities company sells electrical wiring at $7 per 15 meters, which31-Aug-2024
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BunuelRe: Quant Question of the Day Chat31-Aug-2024
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RahulKumarSinhaChat post30-Aug-2024
SergejKIntuition guides people in making judgments by using learned29-Aug-2024
KarishmaBRe: Several legislators claim that the public finds many current28-Aug-2024
MartyMurrayThe number of cases in which prison inmates manipulate the welfare sys27-Aug-2024
MartyMurrayRe: Health officials now recommend that people reduce their intake of food27-Aug-2024
MartyMurrayHealth officials now recommend that people reduce their intake of food27-Aug-2024
diebeatsthegmatRe: Health officials now recommend that people reduce their intake of food27-Aug-2024
MoniishaChat post26-Aug-2024
AdmitExpertRe: Ask Admit Expert Admissions Consulting25-Aug-2024
8HarshitsharmaRe: Maplewood Library implemented a new system for book reservations18-Aug-2024
bbRe: $30,000 Prizes at GMAT Club Olympics July 8 -19, 202402-Aug-2024
MartyMurrayRe: Absolute, or perfect, pitch-the ability to identify the pitch of an01-Aug-2024
MartyMurrayNational Air negotiated an arrangement with a popular restaurant01-Aug-2024

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