Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

yezz owns 1607 Kudos, gave away 49 Kudos.

EvaJagerRe: Two alloys A and B are composed of two basic elements. The12-Apr-2013
EvaJagerRe: HELP Me on This . . . .09-Apr-2013
KarishmaBRe: Is r = s ? (1) -s <= r <= s (2) |r| >= s23-Feb-2013
PrashantPondeRe: N and M are each 3-digit integers. Each of the numbers 1, 2,31-Jan-2013
matthewpearseRe: What is the sum of all possible 3-digit numbers that can be constructe23-Jan-2013
BunuelA circular rim 28 inches in diameter rotates the same number23-Jan-2013
BunuelRe: Is (7x)^1/2 an integer?13-Jan-2013
whiplash2411How to draw a Venn Diagram for problems10-Jan-2013
321kumarsushantRe: Quadrilaterals & Polygons - pdf download29-Dec-2012
BunuelIs the positive integer N a perfect square? (1) The number30-Sep-2010
BunuelRe: Exponents-roots DS22-Sep-2010
samrus98Re: Triangles19-Aug-2009
Target760Quant Notes for PS & DS18-Aug-2009
maliyeciRe: Good ps questions from a Turkish exam (kpss 2009) - I15-Aug-2009
samrus98Re: +ve Integer, divided by 4 and 913-Aug-2009
maliyeciRe: Good ps questions from a Turkish exam (kpss 2009) - I13-Aug-2009
crejocRe: A Triangle ABC is given with 2 angles : x,y are angles lying09-Aug-2009

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