Kudos owned by the user

0Lucky0 owns 150 Kudos, gave away 222 Kudos.

winterschoolChat post22-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post21-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post21-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post20-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post20-Feb-2023
SaadGmatRe: During her internship at the hospital, Dr. Paulson observed that20-Feb-2023
VarshaAgrawalChat post19-Feb-2023
Henry92Re: While hiring decisions for most types of jobs are based strictly on19-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post19-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post19-Feb-2023
gmatophobiaChat post18-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post18-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post17-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post17-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: Monarchy, a stable form of government for many centuries, came under17-Feb-2023
mysterymanrogRe: Monarchy, a stable form of government for many centuries, came under16-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post16-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: According to recently published federal aviation statistics, twin-engi15-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: To save time and money on water and maintenance, many homeowners are15-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post15-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post15-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post15-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post15-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: Were empty space nothing real, then any two atoms located in this not14-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: The celestial equator divides an imagined celestial globe into two hem14-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: Environmentalist: Pure bio-diesel is much more economical than impure13-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: Many literary critics consider James Joyces Ulysses (1922)13-Feb-2023
BunuelRe: With the cold war against the Soviet Union long over and our nations13-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post13-Feb-2023
winterschoolChat post13-Feb-2023

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