Kudos owned by the user

EvaJager owns 2222 Kudos, gave away 43 Kudos.

venmicRe: In a village of 100 households, 75 have at least one DVD player, 8014-Aug-2012
AlteregoRe: A certain IT department of fewer than 15 people14-Aug-2012
conty911Re: Is the radius of circle >3?14-Aug-2012
rajmatthewRe: questions including [x]13-Aug-2012
PillahRe: questions including [x]12-Aug-2012
rjacobsMGMATRe: questions including [x]11-Aug-2012
metallicafanRe: The product of the …five smallest two-digit prime numbers09-Aug-2012
DonQuixoteRe: The product of the …five smallest two-digit prime numbers09-Aug-2012
SOURH7WKRe: Bill travels first 40% of the distance to his destination at08-Aug-2012
SOURH7WKRe: In city A, the streets are aligned in a grid, where the east07-Aug-2012
SOURH7WKRe: In city A, the streets are aligned in a grid, where the east07-Aug-2012
wowc8Re: Trick for changing multiplication to addition? (fractions)06-Aug-2012
ananthpatriRe: If m is an integer greater than zero but less than n,06-Aug-2012
nutshellRe: Shortcut for multiply numbers together up to 1903-Aug-2012
arthuro69Re: Is |2a − 3b| < |a − b| + |a − 2b|? (1) b = 3 (2) a < b02-Aug-2012
EdventoRe: If there are 4 pairs of twins, and a committee will be30-Jul-2012
admin Profile Bonus - 5 Kudos30-Jul-2012
venmicRe: Is x > 10^10 ? (1) x > 2^34 (2) x = 2^3530-Jul-2012
navkaranRe: If there are 4 pairs of twins, and a committee will be30-Jul-2012
GMATBaumgartnerRe: How much should I push?19-Jul-2012
metallicafanRe: The perimeter of the triangle below10-Jul-2012

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