Kudos owned by the user

LeoN88 owns 533 Kudos, gave away 227 Kudos.

moragwa123Re: What is the value of 6x - 10 ? (1) 3x - 5 = 16 (2) 12x - 10 = 7401-Jan-2022
ashwynRe: A solution of 140 liters of acid contains 10% of acid and the remainin06-Dec-2021
Duke00713Re: If the lengths of perpendicular sides of a park that is in the shape05-Dec-2021
XavierAlexanderRe: ISB through GRE01-Dec-2021
RahulRajIN1988Is the HCF of a and b an odd number? 1) HCF of (a+103) and (b+2) is an12-Nov-2021
Aniruddha30What are the roots of the quadratic equation x^2 + bx + c = 0 if the10-Oct-2021
testtakerstrategyIn the floor plan of an executive's beach house above, the north and09-Sep-2021
Jolines1Re: If x + 1/x = 3 then, what is the value of x^5 + 1/x^5 ?03-Aug-2021
SkyVarmaRe: Calling all ISB PGP Applicants - (2020 Intake) Class of 202102-Aug-2021
ritanshuvijayRe: If y and z are positive integers such that y2z=123.24, the remainder18-Jul-2021
SiDAhlRe: If y and z are positive integers such that y2z=123.24, the remainder13-Jul-2021
Fdambro294Re: If y and z are positive integers such that y2z=123.24, the remainder01-Jul-2021
Fahadmunawwar99Re: If y and z are positive integers such that y2z=123.24, the remainder29-Jun-2021
Vineetks188My grind to the 99th percentile - GMAT 760 (Q49,V45)08-Jun-2021
DummRe: If the smallest angle of a triangle measures 45 degrees, which of the03-Jun-2021
CatInBootsRe: A quantity increases in a manner such that the ratio of its values in26-May-2021
DuongsunRe: If product of integers a and b is negative and sum of their squares is25-Apr-2021
Mo96Re: If k is the sum of the reciprocals of the consecutive integers from 4116-Apr-2021
MonnupaulRe: It takes 10 type A machines 3 days to complete a task when they are op18-Mar-2021
SAIgmat09Re: IIM Kozhikode EPGP and PGPBL (2020 Intake): Calling all Applicants01-Mar-2021
kkang98Is the HCF of a and b an odd number? 1) HCF of (a+103) and (b+2) is an30-Jan-2021
anshulsharma1993Is the HCF of a and b an odd number? 1) HCF of (a+103) and (b+2) is an26-Jan-2021
justine93What are the roots of the quadratic equation x^2 + bx + c = 0 if the17-Dec-2020

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