Kudos owned by the user

MartyMurray owns 3702 Kudos, gave away 111 Kudos.

AbraralamRe: Stuck at low score in gmat mocks since long time05-Jan-2025
lemonwatermeloRe: What is the best sectional order for GMAT Focus ?05-Jan-2025
KaranjotsinghRe: Just as paleontologists claim that ecologists' findings about the05-Jan-2025
LYXlyxRe: Whenever GrayCo needs to increase production temporarily, it relies on05-Jan-2025
alejandro.vazquezRe: Nutritionist: For years people have believed that irradiating food to05-Jan-2025
soma0203Of the 45 housholds in a certain neighborhood, 28 subscribe to Newspap04-Jan-2025
123kc­A 10-kilogram soil mixture containing 30 percent sand and 70 percent04-Jan-2025
BrightOutlookJennRe: If x is a real number and x + x^(1/2) = 1, which of the following is04-Jan-2025
sanskritivjRe: New to the verbal forum - Read this first04-Jan-2025
AigyerimuRe: Sharon and Ramla frequently mow their grandfather's yard. Working at04-Jan-2025
MBAclubOn a 1-mile test course, a vehicle is travelling at a constant rate of04-Jan-2025
StenAnsiktetThe 1936 North American heat wave remains one of the hottest and most04-Jan-2025
Adarsh_24Re: In a factory, the number of identical machines working on a task03-Jan-2025
gmatprep36492Printing presses, Press A and Press B, are used to print the daily edi03-Jan-2025
Sujithz001Re: Intuition guides people in making judgments by using learned02-Jan-2025
nikitathegreat­Historian: In the collection of the Science Museum, London, there is02-Jan-2025
bbRe: Which section order to choose? Most challenging - first or last?02-Jan-2025
Maryam654Preparing for the GMAT: Seeking Advice on Efficient Study Plan02-Jan-2025
mateo.naranjoRe: Which section order to choose? Most challenging - first or last?02-Jan-2025
Souravi99Received 545 this monday over GMAT and feel devastated, need strategie02-Jan-2025
lemonwatermeloRe: Importance of the section order02-Jan-2025
Souravi99Re: Happy New Year Guys!02-Jan-2025
MarianaShinzatoRe: ­To combat persistent counterfeiting, Lacland's currency was02-Jan-2025
TanusinghIn a certain factory, each product passes through exactly two of six p02-Jan-2025
MarianaShinzato­In an economic downturn, companies tempted to take advantage of job02-Jan-2025
oharshaHelp with Improving GMAT Focus Score (665 -> 695/705?)01-Jan-2025
Hannah4444Re: ­Throughout a certain decade in a European city, the mean monthly rent01-Jan-2025
Karanjotsingh­To grant a patent for a product, thereby entitling its inventor to01-Jan-2025
bilibalabooRe: An investor will use $2,000 to purchase 10 shares of a certain stock a01-Jan-2025
acorreiaRe: ­A city council member standing for re-election has been asked to01-Jan-2025

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