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MartyMurray owns 3641 Kudos, gave away 110 Kudos.

ShyFoxPhoenix, in the southwestern United States, has grown from an25-Dec-2024
HakunaMatata1806Psychologist: In an experiment, volunteers were asked to solve25-Dec-2024
HakunaMatata1806Re: ­Editorial: It is unreasonable for the neighborhoods near Maple Square25-Dec-2024
Maria10276That Native Americans in colonial North America were thrust into24-Dec-2024
reeyabRe: ­A stock trader working for a hedge fund has estimated that the stock24-Dec-2024
NPProbRe: ­Trout populations are rising in United States rivers, which23-Dec-2024
anon3612The flowchart shows the procedures for preparing four traditional Nige23-Dec-2024
anon3612Re: A certain wholesaler supplies goods on a regular schedule to various23-Dec-2024
ShivangiS21Re: ­A lottery box contains 8,000 tickets, each of which is red or blue or23-Dec-2024
HakunaMatata1806Christa, Jada, and Yvette were swimming laps at an outdoor swimming23-Dec-2024
anon3612Economist: Sales taxes do not provide a fair alternative to income22-Dec-2024
KaranjotsinghOn a 1-mile test course, a vehicle is travelling at a constant rate of22-Dec-2024
sq1895Re: An executive of ZCCorp has proposed that the company buy PondGen22-Dec-2024
MoPouyan­A farmer's potato yield this year averaged 30 tonnes per hectare.22-Dec-2024
Akc26If 10 circles, all with different radii, are positioned in the same22-Dec-2024
meehRe: GMAT Focus: Data Insights - Heavy fluctuation22-Dec-2024
DevvrataLast year Country X generated 3 times as many kilowatt-hours of22-Dec-2024
Ronnie03Re: Despite overall physiological bilateral symmetry, many species exhibit21-Dec-2024
anirahhRe: Let k = 10^10. Then K is 1 followed by 10 zeros. The number k is 1 fol21-Dec-2024
ssinghal087Re: Legislator: Relatively few people in this society object to allowing21-Dec-2024
SnorLax_7When fish or mammals ingest the chemical rotenone, enzymes in the21-Dec-2024
KaranjotsinghRe: Biologist: In Region X, the average horn mass and body length of adult20-Dec-2024
SohnPsychology researchers found that manual laborers who were tutored on20-Dec-2024
brlThe tick marks on the number line shown are equally spaced. What is20-Dec-2024
LennartFHartmannIf 10 circles, all with different radii, are positioned in the same20-Dec-2024
KaranjotsinghRe: The range of a function is the set of all possible values of the func20-Dec-2024
PremerdlyIf m is the tens digit of the sum of the two-digit positive integers19-Dec-2024
sinhaashutoshLast year Country X generated 3 times as many kilowatt-hours of19-Dec-2024
bhanu29Last year Comfort Airlines had twice as many delayed flights as the19-Dec-2024
hoyasalaRe: Governor: After several years of large gains, our states housing mark19-Dec-2024

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