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gmatexam439 owns 2073 Kudos, gave away 200 Kudos.

AAYUSHVFacts: The graph refers to a plane's flight from one location to anoth13-Jan-2024
mohi2708Re: The deer, despite having traveled hundreds of miles to reach the Canad11-Jan-2024
prantorboniA group of experimental subjects participated in an intermittent fast06-Jan-2024
NeerajAgiwal1234A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.29-Dec-2023
Atharva29Re: Most important step in RC - Practice questions Mon Wed Fri27-Dec-2023
Jamil1999A group of experimental subjects participated in an intermittent fast25-Dec-2023
khanhtran4147A group of experimental subjects participated in an intermittent fast18-Dec-2023
yamujin02Facts: The graph refers to a plane's flight from one location to anoth17-Dec-2023
venkycs98TV is the future because it remains king of all media. While handsets13-Dec-2023
VIKKY0912Re: Gasoline retail prices are directly proportional to the price of ...06-Dec-2023
VIKKY0912Re: Gasoline retail prices are directly proportional to the price of ...06-Dec-2023
son_of_odinA translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.04-Dec-2023
sidthakRe: In the coordinate plane, region J is defined by all the points (x,y)01-Dec-2023
MBAAD21A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.29-Nov-2023
Jamil1999During and immediately after a war, Hollywood films typically trumpet21-Nov-2023
Arsh_046A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.20-Nov-2023
Apurav1296A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.20-Nov-2023
PadmeshpA translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.19-Nov-2023
AAYUSHVA translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.18-Nov-2023
sudhanshupunia2Re: In the past five years, there has been a marked decline in the08-Nov-2023
Nithya888Re: With only 7 percent of the globe's surface area, rainforests contain07-Nov-2023
ritikfcbRe: Parent: It is as misleading to conclude that decreasing07-Nov-2023
animeshdash1000Re: The Dear One Baby Carrier is the safest and most comfortable baby carr04-Nov-2023
NoviceBoyRe: According to the US government's Centers for Disease Control and Preve04-Nov-2023
VegitaRe: A greater number of newspapers are sold in Town S than in Town T. Ther25-Oct-2023
Arun550Re: How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is o25-Oct-2023
FCK89Re: A greater number of newspapers are sold in Town S than in Town T. Ther19-Oct-2023
PiglatLong and a fruitful journey: V21 to V41; If I can, so can you !!08-Oct-2023
PoorvigeeMost important step in RC - Practice questions Mon Wed Fri02-Oct-2023

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