Kudos owned by the user

gmatexam439 owns 2072 Kudos, gave away 200 Kudos.

IceSweetPearRe: In an experiment, volunteers walked individually through a dark, aband22-Sep-2023
VamsipkPreparing for RC - My way19-Sep-2023
RitwickhotaRe: Nearly a century ago, biologists found that if they separated an inver17-Sep-2023
bhxrti_GMATRe: Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D., the Byzantine Empire15-Sep-2023
JoeKan1234Re: Educator: Reducing class sizes in our school district would require11-Sep-2023
simon.cnycRe: Absolute modulus : A better understanding10-Sep-2023
kuldeepkrlhdRe: Most children find it very difficult to explain exactly what the words06-Sep-2023
nrpcIf n is an integer from 1 to 96 (inclusive), how m01-Sep-2023
Sid_31Re: The Federal Republic of Brazil achieved independence in 1822, became a28-Aug-2023
Chiranjeev14Re: How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is o25-Aug-2023
daniminRe: How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is o22-Aug-2023
PamelaPreparing for RC - My way21-Aug-2023
anhlevnRe: A confidential survey revealed that 75 percent of the employees of Com15-Aug-2023
BLMRe: When officials in Tannersburg released their plan to widen the citys14-Aug-2023
greyogi5Re: A greater number of newspapers are sold in Town S than in Town T. Ther14-Aug-2023
In5inix22Re: While most of the earliest known ball courts in Mesoamerica date to 9014-Aug-2023
Hrishi97Re: Resin is a plant secretion that hardens when exposed to air; fossilize26-Jul-2023
RecklessSherlockRe: The sensation of pain cannot accurately be described as “located”24-Jul-2023
gmataimfor760Re: At the county's Office of Disability Claims, we have seen that the19-Jul-2023
DEVSHETHRe: Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D., the Byzantine Empire17-Jul-2023
crezitA group of experimental subjects participated in an intermittent fast14-Jul-2023
sgr123456Preparing for RC - My way12-Jul-2023
SnorLax_7Re: A physically active lifestyle has been shown to help increase longevit08-Jul-2023
swirlskyPreparing for RC - My way06-Jul-2023
VinBaradRe: Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D., the Byzantine Empire02-Jul-2023
SnorLax_7Re: Resin is a plant secretion that hardens when exposed to air; fossilize25-Jun-2023
SnorLax_7Re: Many television viewers own videocassette recorders (VCR’s). Companies18-Jun-2023

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