Kudos owned by the user

gmatexam439 owns 2073 Kudos, gave away 200 Kudos.

jkolachiRe: Singing in the Rain Umbrella Corp. plans to institute a marketing camp07-Jul-2017
Chets25Re: Farmer: Agricultural techniques such as crop rotation07-Jul-2017
Yashovardhan32During and immediately after a war, Hollywood films typically trumpet02-Jul-2017
tushartiwari4uDuring and immediately after a war, Hollywood films typically trumpet19-Jun-2017
chesstitansRe: Being a Sunday, the library was closed.18-Jun-2017
chesstitansRe: Singing in the Rain Umbrella Corp. plans to institute a marketing camp17-Jun-2017
chesstitansRe: Ethicist: It would be a mistake to say that just because someone16-Jun-2017
joepcRe: Singing in the Rain Umbrella Corp. plans to institute a marketing camp16-Jun-2017
BillyZRe: Resin is a plant secretion that hardens when exposed to air; fossilize15-Jun-2017
goforgmatRe: Resin is a plant secretion that hardens when exposed to air; fossilize15-Jun-2017
daschirodeepRe: Verbal Chat with a Tutor every Wednesday at 7:30 AM PST/8 PM IST10-Jun-2017
saarthak299Re: An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle, as shown above. What30-May-2017
cptholtRe: A motorboat, traveling 30 miles per hour faster than a certain cargo25-May-2017
BunuelRe: If a = 1,248 and b = 1,152, what is the value of (a^2 + b^2) ^15-May-2017
GMATNinjaRe: Verbal Chat with a Tutor every Wednesday at 7:30 AM PST/8 PM IST10-May-2017
bbRe: Einstein's Riddle (750+) 98% percentile09-May-2017
KuraiRe: Einstein's Riddle (750+) 98% percentile09-May-2017
GMATNinjaRe: Verbal Chat with a Tutor every Wednesday at 7:30 AM PST/8 PM IST08-May-2017
jkolachiRe: Einstein's Riddle (750+) 98% percentile08-May-2017
Mahmud6The dwarf masked owl, a rare migratory bird of prey, normally makes it06-May-2017
adamodom1Re: Being a Sunday, the library was closed.19-Apr-2017
varundixitmro2512Re: When butterfat was considered nutritious and healthful, a law was enac18-Apr-2017
varundixitmro2512A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator.14-Apr-2017
adityapareshshahRe: School administrators face a peculiar challenge in their quest for cul01-Apr-2017

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