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jabhatta2 owns 254 Kudos, gave away 188 Kudos.

manistoThe sequence a1, a2, a3, ..., an of n integers is such that ak = k if23-Apr-2023
GMATsvictimRe: Antonia Castañeda has utilized scholarship from women’s studies and Me01-Apr-2023
HbackRe: The cost C, in dollars, to remove p percent of a certain pollutant fro15-Mar-2023
gesedaGeneral exponent question10-Mar-2023
PhyllisWith the emergence of biotechnology companies, it was feared that they24-Feb-2023
Shivani12346If x and y are integers, and x + y < 0, is x — y > 023-Feb-2023
AgarwalSanskritiThe table below shows a gradebook. Letter grades of A, B, C, and D08-Feb-2023
Sajjad1994Re: Measuring more than five feet tall and ten feet long, the Ja03-Feb-2023
avigutmanRe: To protect certain fledgling industries, the government of country Z b25-Jan-2023
avigutmanRe: YOUTUBE channels?22-Jan-2023
avigutmanRe: United States politician: Although the amount of United States goods17-Jan-2023
egmatIn 1979 lack of rain reduced India's rice production to about 41 milli28-Dec-2022
kyungsub2Re: Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certain type of millipede in23-Dec-2022
PhyllianIf x and y are integers, and x + y < 0, is x — y > 022-Dec-2022
GraceSCKaoVerbal scores dropped in the real test, what should I do? UPD: 730!17-Dec-2022
BunuelRe: Exponents and Roots on the GMAT: Tips and hints09-Dec-2022
Sajjad1994Re: Company Service Manager: It has been 6 months since we began selling06-Dec-2022
avigutmanIn the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company30-Nov-2022
DmitryFarberAlthough she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better29-Nov-2022
BraintreeAlthough she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better29-Nov-2022
GraceSCKaoWhereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more establish29-Nov-2022
GraceSCKaoWhereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more establish29-Nov-2022
akanksha097Re: Sample AWA Prompt and 6/6 Essay28-Nov-2022
SPrernaIf x and y are integers, and x + y < 0, is x — y > 026-Nov-2022

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