Kudos owned by the user

jabhatta2 owns 254 Kudos, gave away 188 Kudos.

desertEagleRe: Art restorers who have been studying the factors that cause Renaissanc30-Jan-2022
desertEagleRe: Art restorers who have been studying the factors that cause Renaissanc30-Jan-2022
desertEagleRe: A newly discovered painting seems to be the work of one of two sevente28-Jan-2022
desertEagleRe: A newly discovered painting seems to be the work of one of two sevente28-Jan-2022
desertEagleRe: A newly discovered painting seems to be the work of one of two sevente28-Jan-2022
desertEagleRe: A newly discovered painting seems to be the work of one of two sevente28-Jan-2022
desertEagleRe: A newly discovered painting seems to be the work of one of two sevente28-Jan-2022
avigutmanIf a rectangular region has perimeter P inches and area A sq25-Jan-2022
pratishtha1210Re: In an effort to explain why business acquisitions often fail, scholars14-Jan-2022
MartyTargetTestPrepRe: Manufacturers sometimes discount the price of a product to retailers12-Jan-2022
avigutmanBooks for the GMAT Preparation02-Jan-2022
duffieThe table below shows a gradebook. Letter grades of A, B, C, and D13-Dec-2021
BunuelRe: Dealership A and Dealership B both sell cars and trucks. If the ratio16-Nov-2021
Kanna444Re: Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certain type of millipede in10-Nov-2021
amritapanda1997Is the sum of all the terms in a sequence of positive integers an odd08-Oct-2021
chrisibesRe: A literature department at a small university in an English-speaking29-Sep-2021
nsenousRe: In the Sonoran Desert of northwestern Mexico and southern Arizona, t27-Sep-2021
stutimahaThe black-and-white ruffed lemur is being bred at the St.31-Aug-2021
mth98The table below shows a gradebook. Letter grades of A, B, C, and D27-Aug-2021
GraceSCKaoRe: Petrochemical industry officials have said that the extreme pressure26-Aug-2021
dtox194If x and y are integers, and x + y < 0, is x — y > 019-Aug-2021
GraceSCKaoRe: Archaeologist: Researchers excavating a burial site in Cyprus found a10-Aug-2021
aayusharoraIs |x| > |y|? (1) x^2 > y^2 (2) x > y06-Aug-2021
GraceSCKaoRe: Supply shortages and signs of growing demand are driving cocoa prices15-Jul-2021
datemikeRe: Jon Clarks study of the effect of the modernization of a telephone ex12-Jul-2021
ligamenttearsRe: Scientists have been puzzled by the seeming disparity between models24-Jun-2021
arya251294The table below shows a gradebook. Letter grades of A, B, C, and D16-Jun-2021
12201617039If x and y are integers, and x + y < 0, is x — y > 010-Jun-2021
ciaoryoRe: Anxious about declining student test scores and frustrated by some tea05-Jun-2021
avigutmanRe: In the first week of the Year, Nancy saved $1.27-May-2021

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