Kudos owned by the user

knightofdelta owns 117 Kudos, gave away 29 Kudos.

execnitinsharmaRe: A zero-CO2 U.S. economy can be achieved within the next thirty to fift28-Jun-2014
svind710 after battling with the GMAT and the fates three times23-Jun-2014
bbRe: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs03-Jun-2014
azazelloRe: Mapping Economist Simulated Test Score to Actual GMAT31-May-2014
Dienekes710 after battling with the GMAT and the fates three times30-Apr-2014
jeffjoseRe: Article: Representative Sample, a concept tested in GMAT CR27-Apr-2014
bbRe: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs22-Apr-2014
bbRe: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs25-Feb-2014
justwhisperRe: Insead September 2014 Intake- Calling all applicants19-Feb-2014
NarennRe: Insead September 2014 Intake- Calling all applicants19-Feb-2014
rhtnrRe: Stanford GSB Calling all applicants for Class of 2016!18-Feb-2014
WoundedTigerRe: Introduce Yourself - Private Forum Only17-Feb-2014
MBAjunkie16Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs06-Feb-2014
bbRe: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs06-Feb-2014
juzamRe: Stanford GSB Calling all applicants for Class of 2016!29-Jan-2014
TheKrakenRe: Harvard (HBS) - Calling all WAITLISTED applicants - 201629-Jan-2014
juzamHarvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201629-Jan-2014
juzamRe: Harvard (HBS) - Calling all WAITLISTED applicants - 201629-Jan-2014
NarennRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201629-Jan-2014
NarennRe: Harvard (HBS) - Calling all WAITLISTED applicants - 201629-Jan-2014
akshaychaturvedi007Re: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201628-Jan-2014
NarennRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201627-Jan-2014
MalibuSamRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201627-Jan-2014
jumsumtakRe: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs24-Jan-2014
sidvishRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201623-Jan-2014
JohnsoidRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201622-Jan-2014
azure111Re: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201622-Jan-2014
tdawgRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201622-Jan-2014
mikecnganRe: Harvard (HBS) Calling all applicants - Class of 201622-Jan-2014
jumsumtakRe: My Marriage Pics!! :)09-Jan-2014

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