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paidlukkha owns 350 Kudos, gave away 17 Kudos.

PriyankaBharatiSome economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica27-Mar-2023
realashketchum91Re: Not until 1932, nearly a century and a half after the first senatorial05-Mar-2023
Susmit2049Henry VIII changed from staunch defender to active opponent03-Mar-2023
Deepti16Re: Help in identifying CR question types21-Feb-2023
achloesSome economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica12-Feb-2023
wolverine4156Looking for a 2 month detailed study plan02-Feb-2023
RonitHassanwaliaUpon receiving a summons for fare evasions26-Jan-2023
fumitakaSome economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica21-Jan-2023
KnightclawUpon receiving a summons for fare evasions06-Jan-2023
wadhwakaranSome economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica13-Nov-2022
nav0708To restore fishing grounds damaged by pollution04-Nov-2022
talatarnSome economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica02-Nov-2022
manishkr2608To restore fishing grounds damaged by pollution08-Oct-2022
satya2029To restore fishing grounds damaged by pollution03-Oct-2022
SunilkoppAlthough the people who live in India's villages29-Sep-2022
GinoRakoWhich of the following is closest to the value of 999/(100+1/999)?15-Sep-2022
rohansantSome economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica05-Sep-2022
cigarboyBottle-nosed dolphins have a highly developed sense of taste28-Aug-2022
viiiisshUpon receiving a summons for fare evasions19-Aug-2022
sumeetkumar27Some economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica16-Aug-2022
julia0121Which of the following is closest to the value of 999/(100+1/999)?01-Aug-2022
ranjeets2410Bottle-nosed dolphins have a highly developed sense of taste27-Jul-2022
odonetgUpon receiving a summons for fare evasions18-Jul-2022
luqmanomenUpon receiving a summons for fare evasions13-Jul-2022
jjohns78Bottle-nosed dolphins have a highly developed sense of taste08-Jul-2022
JohanKouakou22To restore fishing grounds damaged by pollution07-Jul-2022
Shreya00Some economists view the Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964, which radica07-Jul-2022

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