Kudos owned by the user

rahul6019 owns 64 Kudos, gave away 22 Kudos.

jayanth00Re: Marie has twice as many brothers as sisters. Her brother Max has the01-Nov-2024
chan13Re: What will be the day on 2nd January 200202-Oct-2024
hardikkharbanda12Re: There's one reliable indicator to demonstrate that a startup informati18-Dec-2023
EhasanulShifatGeneric drugs with the same effect are available at one third the pric18-Nov-2023
dovitsiozoGeneric drugs with the same effect are available at one third the pric18-Nov-2023
Khushi1704Re: What will be the day on 2nd January 200206-Oct-2023
butlerbaysonA room has 7 similar bulbs. The room can be lit by lighting 1 bulb, 221-Aug-2023
arnkaprxRe: What will be the day on 2nd January 200221-Jun-2023
8HarshitsharmaRe: There's one reliable indicator to demonstrate that a startup informati06-Jun-2023
VminkookforeverRe: There's one reliable indicator to demonstrate that a startup informati28-Apr-2023
julialuuThe desktop computer has revolutionized offices procedures21-Mar-2023
SS.56Unlike the Miller Analogies Test, which follows a standardized format,02-Jan-2023
Sai22The satellite Orbiter will spend some time hunting for05-Nov-2022
warshyBy 1918, advances in tractor technology had led to increased yield,14-Jun-2022
shivam10By 1918, advances in tractor technology had led to increased yield,26-Apr-2022
djankousorelleRe: What will be the day on 2nd January 200205-Mar-2022
push55The mole is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal17-Sep-2021
behemoth21The desktop computer has revolutionized offices procedures26-Aug-2021
OliveOyl2005The satellite Orbiter will spend some time hunting for18-May-2021
sharmisthamona2Re: Doctor: Research shows that adolescents who listen to music on headpho22-Jan-2021
vksrivasRe: Marie has twice as many brothers as sisters. Her brother Max has the12-Dec-2020
4leeA room has 7 similar bulbs. The room can be lit by lighting 1 bulb, 230-Jun-2020
tiarasaffiraRe: The letters of the word PROMISE are arranged so that no two of the vow11-Apr-2020
pichanRe: Since chromosome damage may be caused by viral infections, medical26-Feb-2020
gmatwayRe: Since chromosome damage may be caused by viral infections, medical16-Jul-2019
DesertchampionRe: Since chromosome damage may be caused by viral infections, medical09-Jul-2019

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