December 13, 2016

Joined: Dec 13, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q43 V46

Mark Sullivan- Manhattan GMAT


Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Mark Sullivan

Location Online

I took the 9 week virtual Manhattan Prep GMAT Course. I knew that I needed the course to hold me accountable to my studying goals while working long hours at my job. The flexibility of a virtual course was also important to me. Mark was a fantastic instructor – he worked through practice problems by not only teaching us the fundamental techniques, but also discussing how the GMAT might distort similar problems. He made the courses very interactive – we never went more than 30 minutes without doing problem sets or other interactive activities during the sessions. We also spent time in every session talking about educated guessing strategies, which I could not have fully understood out of a book. Perhaps most importantly, he spend time clarifying a GMAT correct answer from our second choice answers. The fundamentals can come through practicing with the materials, but the ability to differentiate a “good” answer from the “right” answer comes a lot easier when you have a strong instructor who can help explain the difference. Highly recommend both Mark and Manhattan Prep!

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