May 27, 2023

Joined: Oct 16, 2022

Posts: 20

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

From Struggles to Success: A Long Journey to the GMAT Finish Line


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Location Online

My GMAT journey has been a long one, and I am incredibly grateful to e-GMAT for their invaluable support. Without them, I would have doubted my ability to reach the finish line.

One of the most remarkable aspects of e-GMAT is their meticulous and systematic approach to each section of the GMAT. The course material is thoughtfully organized, starting with the fundamentals and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts. This logical progression allowed me to develop a solid foundation and enhance my understanding of the intricate nuances involved in SC, CR, and RC questions. The video lessons provided clear, concise, and engaging explanations, making complex concepts easily understandable. Additionally, e-GMAT's comprehensive cementing quizzes and customizable practice quizzes allowed me to apply the learned concepts and effectively track my progress. The detailed explanations for both correct and incorrect answer choices were instrumental in identifying and addressing my weaknesses proactively.

Furthermore, I must commend e-GMAT for their hyper-personalized learning plans and the exceptional 1:1 support provided through the Last Mile Program. The guidance and assistance I received from Rashmi, in particular, were invaluable. Having struggled to achieve my desired score in previous attempts, I was feeling disheartened and uncertain about my potential for improvement. However, Rashmi's expertise as a tutor not only boosted my confidence but also led to a significant improvement in my scores.

Right from the beginning, Rashmi demonstrated a deep understanding of the GMAT exam structure, content, and effective study strategies. What truly set her apart was her considerate and personalized approach. She took into account my work schedule and commitments, creating a study plan that perfectly aligned with my availability. This tailored approach made it easier for me to dedicate time to GMAT preparation without overwhelming my existing responsibilities.

Moreover, despite my past disappointments, Rashmi motivated me to give it another try and helped me regain my confidence. Her genuine belief in my abilities provided the push I needed to persevere, and it ultimately made a significant difference in my final GMAT performance.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend e-GMAT for anyone embarking on their GMAT journey. Their meticulous approach, comprehensive content, and exceptional support truly make them stand out. With e-GMAT's guidance, I not only developed a strong foundation in SC, CR, and RC but also gained the confidence to overcome my challenges and achieve my desired score. Thank you, e-GMAT, and a special thank you to Rashmi for your exceptional assistance and unwavering support throughout my GMAT preparation.

June 01, 2023

Dear KRajput1,

Congratulations on the 740! With this, you are among the top 3% of the test-takers. It has been a pleasure working with you on this journey to success.

You are right, it has been a long journey to the finish line but kudos to you to have persevered in the face of obstacles and adversities.

It is commendable that despite the demands of a busy career, you did not cut corners on the path to excellence. To begin with, you focussed on building a solid foundation. With a rock-solid foundation, you then set about mastering the applications through cementing. See how this structured approach helped you reach 95th percentile in CR:

Image Link -

I am happy to know that the course structure and the video lessons helped you grasp complex concepts and understand the nuances required to excel in GMAT verbal. This image shows how this helped you improve your hard accuracy across of the verbal sub-sections:

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It is good to know that the quizzes on the platform and the detailed solutions at the end, helped you identify and work on your weaknesses. See how this feedback-driven approach helped you improve to an 88% accuracy in RC while reducing the overall time to 1 min 54 seconds:

Image Link -

The beauty of a data-driven approach to preparation is that it not only allows us to create hyper-specific improvement plans but also helps us predict success. This is what fuelled the confidence that I had in your ability😊 Data never lies!

I am truly happy that all the effort paid off and you have a score that gives you a good fighting chance to get into your dream schools.

I wish you all the best for your future endeavours.

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

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