May 02, 2024

Joined: May 02, 2024

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V45

Great Experience with Harold S. of mbaMission


Harold's expertise and support were indispensable from start to finish of my MBA journey. His practical guidance and consistent reassurance made the daunting application process manageable and ultimately successful. Despite my below-average GPA, Harold’s strategic insights led to my acceptance at Dartmouth Tuck and Chicago Booth, with significant scholarships, and admittance to another T10 school.
The process began with strategizing for the GMAT. Harold advised me on the best timing for the exam and identified a score range appropriate for my target schools. His high-level tips were crucial in achieving my desired score within three months. Simultaneously, Harold facilitated an extensive brainstorming process to unearth and polish stories and accomplishments that would resonate in my essays and interviews. His keen eye for detail and deep understanding of what top business schools look for in candidates enabled me to select the most compelling content for my applications.
As we tackled each school's application, Harold's meticulous feedback on my essays was particularly impactful. He helped refine my narratives to ensure clarity and purpose, aligning them closely with each school’s values and expectations. His ability to tailor content to specific schools was remarkable, allowing me to present myself authentically and persuasively.
During the application process, Harold also provided strategic advice on which schools to visit, and which events to attend. He provided me with special contacts at some of the schools that I could reach out to for the particular industry that I was interested in. This not only enhanced my applications but also broadened my understanding of the MBA landscape.
Interview preparations with Harold were thorough, covering frequently asked questions and refining my responses to reflect each school's unique characteristics. His support was crucial in building my confidence and enabling me to handle the toughest questions smoothly, without sounding rehearsed.
After receiving multiple admissions offers, Harold guided me through the scholarship negotiation process, helping me leverage offers effectively to maximize my financial aid. For the schools where I was waitlisted, Harold advised me on additional information to submit and how to communicate effectively with admissions committees, further strengthening my standing.
Harold's professionalism and expertise were matched by his personal dedication and optimism. Throughout this challenging journey, his positive attitude and personalized approach not only bolstered my applications but also kept me motivated and focused. His guidance was a major factor in my successful MBA admissions outcomes, and I am grateful for his involvement.
For anyone navigating the complexities of MBA applications, I wholeheartedly recommend Harold as a knowledgeable, strategic, and supportive teammate who will go above and beyond to ensure your success. His combination of professional acumen and personal commitment makes him an outstanding guide for any prospective MBA student.

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