January 28, 2013

Joined: Sep 30, 2010

Posts: 90

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Flexible & Action-packed


I knew precision essays from before, but I first came in contact with Admissionado when I wanted to take services of an admissions consultant

After a lot of thoughts, I finally decided to take services of a consultant for MIT LGO application. I first went for, after attending their seminar on BTG. While I was evaluating their offering, I came in contact of Lauren of Admissionado and almost immediately was hooked on to their professional approach.

Their initial questionnaire was quite thorough and made the basis for preparing good essays as it brought out nice themes. When I finally paid for their service, only 15 days were left for the MIT LGO application and it was a race to the finish. It took me another couple of days to submit their questionnaire as I wanted to make sure it properly brought out my past

With just over 10 days left before the application submission and the 12-hour time difference between me & the consultant, it was a tough & stressful ride. I worked with Damon Chua, he might not have known a lot about MIT, but he made sure that those 10 days were as stress-free for me as possible.

Though their committed turn-around time was 72-hours, but Damon almost always came back within 24-hours. We properly utilized the 12-hour time difference, I would submit the essays in Damon's day-time and he would return them in my day-time :). This flexibility really helped me squeeze in 3 reviews & a final polish with Damon and also a review with my sisters (to ensure the story-line reflected real me)

Damon also ensured the whole process was action-packed. He gave me thorough comments which were really helpful in shaping the essays. The final essays were a real good read, unlike the initial submission which was very-very loosely written. Damon's limited knowledge of MIT had little impact over the whole process, but he was really passionate in his work

Their support over the whole period and even after that has been really commendable. It is still to be seen if I am able to make into one of the 5-6 international students of LGO, but I am satisfied with our efforts. And I learnt one thing, be very open with your consultant, as then they can really surprise you with how they can present your story.

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