e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
 $399  $159
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 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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January 15, 2024

Joined: Jun 23, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q50 V33

e-GMAT Review


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Approach towards Verbal Questions
Sigma X mock tests

Would make the product better:

Include an option to watch lessons at 1.25X or 1.5X so that students can speed-up the preparation process

Hi Everyone!
In my 2nd attempt of GMAT, I scored 690, a 90 point improvement from my 1st attempt which was based mainly on self-preparation. After my 1st attempt, I realised the need for a more structured way of preparation which is when I came across the e-GMAT free trial. I really loved the way their course was designed and immediately signed up for the Online focused prep. A detailed review of each section -

Quant - Since I was familiar with the basic concepts of quant, the PACE time saving method was really effective in helping me identify the basic modules that I could skip. The concept + test based method of preparation actually instilled confidence after every topic. The questions from e-GMAT might seem more difficult than those from the official guide, however, one should solve these questions as it thoroughly clears your basic concepts and improves your speed drastically. However, "Word Problems" was the only section where I felt that the solutions were extremely lengthy and this approach could not be practically used in the exam.

Verbal - The meaning based approach for SC and pre-thinking approach for CR were a game changer. I initially took some time to get comfortable with these methods, which late on fared me well. Plus, the cementing quiz after each section gave a fair picture of my time bound performance and the extra-efforts that I needed to put to ace the topics. Also, the last mile program with a dedicated mentor helped me understand my weaknesses at a granular level and build strategies around them.

Lastly, I found the Scholaranium and the Sigma-X mock tests to be particularly impressive. The Sigma-X mocks were very much in line with the kind of/level of questions one might encounter in the exam. The mocks actually helped me hone my time management skills, and fine-tune my strategies around each question type.

All the best to everyone!

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January 30, 2024

Hi DipAgr

Congratulations to you on your 690 score! 

Your remarkable 90-point overall score improvement, including an incredible improvement from Q45 to V50 in the Quant section, is truly commendable.
Your unwavering dedication and meticulous approach throughout this journey have been instrumental in driving your success. You experienced remarkable improvement in your abilities by diligently following the suggested plans and adopting the Pre-thinking approach for Critical Reasoning, This progress is depicted in the image below where your time taken to answer CR questions has reduced gradually. Your hard work and commitment have truly paid off. Kudos to you.

Image Link-

Your commitment and persistent endeavors across all Quantitative subsections have delivered exceptional outcomes. You leveraged the PACE AI feature and saved more than 20 hours of precious time.

In the end, the ability to predict success plays a crucial role. Your last Mock Quant score, which was just 1 point lower than your actual test score, indicates that you were on the right track to achieving success. This close alignment between your practice and actual performance is a strong indicator of your progress and competence. With such promising results, you could confidently anticipate a positive outcome.

Image Link-

DipAgr, it was a pleasure working closely with you. We wish you the best for the next steps!


January 12, 2024

Joined: Dec 12, 2023

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V35

e-gmat course review


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Focus on Verbal Section:

e-GMAT is often praised for its comprehensive coverage and effective strategies for the Verbal section of the GMAT. And I also found their verbal preparation modules to be particularly helpful.
Interactive Learning Platform

Adaptive Learning Technology:

Concepts Simplification:

Data-Driven Analytics:

Comprehensive Study Plans:

Live and On-Demand Support:

Would make the product better:

Feedback Mechanism:

Enhance the feedback system to provide more detailed insights into user performance. Specific feedback on incorrect answers and guidance on improvement areas can be valuable for learners.
Integration of AI Technology:

Explore the integration of AI-driven adaptive learning technologies to further personalize the learning experience. This could involve dynamic adjustments to study plans based on individual progress and performance.

Mobile Accessibility:

Improve the accessibility of the platform on mobile devices. This is particularly important for users who prefer to study on-the-go or have limited access to desktop computers.

Real-Time Progress Tracking:

Live Q&A Sessions:

Increase the frequency of live Q&A sessions with instructors.

My experience with e-gmat was good for the most part.
I personally had great potential, though, untapped, and e-gmat helped me utilise my strengths efficiently and minimise my weaknesses.
My Quant was phenomenal even before, however, the concept files gave a lot of conceptual clarity.
My verbal performance was a zig-zag line, thus, indicating conceptual gaps. I was able to consistently get better and better. Various live sessions and lectures helped a great deal as I was able to progressively identify and correct my mistakes or fill in conceptual gaps.
However, some issues I faced included the selection of the question bank. I found many questions with conflicting and closely related answer choices missing the whole question setting method of GMAT which specifically rejects closely related answer choices.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 30, 2024

Hi kushagradhiman

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 700 score!

A 90-point overall improvement do is certainly an accomplishment that needs to be shared and spread.

Your diligence throughout this journey has been at the core of your success.

You followed every suggested process diligently. You excelled across all the Quant subsections by following the structured approach and process skills. The same can be seen in the Quant Scholaranium stats.

Image Link-

At the end it all comes down to predicting success. Th score you attained in your last Mock is exactly what you scored on the Official GMAT. Hence you could predict that you were well on your way to success.

Image Link-

Thank you for your valuable feedback! We appreciate your suggestions for enhancing the feedback system, integrating AI technology for personalized learning, improving mobile accessibility, implementing real-time progress tracking, and increasing the frequency of live Q&A sessions. Your input is instrumental in shaping a better learning experience for all.

kushagradhiman, it was a pleasure working closely with you towards your target score. We wish you the best for the next steps!


January 08, 2024

Joined: Apr 26, 2023

Posts: 57

Kudos: 23

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V44

eGMAT's Excellent strategies and question bank


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


Section wise strategies,
Sigma-X mock tests

Would make the product better:


Hello everyone!
I took the GMAT in July 2023 and scored a 760 (Q49, V44). This was my second attempt and had a 50-point improvement from my previous score of 710 (Q49, V38).

With a strong quantitative background as an engineer, I confidently handled strategies and time management for the quant section. However, the verbal section posed a challenge. Despite grasping grammar concepts for SC and the structure of CR questions, I struggled with accuracy. I was keen on exploring strategies online to improve my accuracy. That's when I discovered the eGMAT workshops before my first attempt. The meaning-based approach (SC) and pre-thinking (CR) strategies stood out as highly beneficial.

Unfortunately, time constraints prevented me from fully implementing these strategies in my initial attempt. So while choosing a new prep material, eGMAT was a no-brainer. Having exhausted the OG guides in my first attempt, I sought a fresh set of questions to refine my strategy. The 2-month GMAT Intensive course not only met but exceeded my expectations, playing a crucial role in my achievement of a 760. The personalized study plan and test analysis with Mansi from eGMAT proved invaluable in structuring my study schedule for the next two months.

I found the Scholaranium and the Sigma-X mock tests to be particularly noteworthy. The sectional tests, with adjustable topic and difficulty filters, were invaluable for refining my approach to different GMAT question types. Utilizing this option significantly contributed to enhancing both my accuracy and speed, resulting in a notable 6-point improvement in my verbal score
The mock tests accurately simulated the GMAT exam environment, enabling me to hone my time management skills and build confidence. The detailed performance analytics helped me identify areas for further refinement, allowing me to fine-tune my preparation strategy as needed.

Overall, eGMAT’s strategies and question banks proved invaluable in boosting my GMAT score significantly. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking a comprehensive and effective GMAT preparation experience.

Here are some tips GMAT prep:

DO NOT BLINDLY SOLVE THE QUESTIONS. A crucial lesson from my experience is that the quantity of questions solved does not necessarily correlate with exam performance. Whether you solve a few or many questions, conduct a thorough analysis of the solutions, regardless of whether you answered correctly. Extracting shortcuts and key insights from these analyses will significantly enhance accuracy and substantially reduce the time needed.

ENSURE THAT YOU PRACTICE YOUR APPROACH/STATEGY TO DIFFERENT KINDS OF QUESTIONS. In the majority of GMAT questions, eliminating 3 out of 5 options is often straightforward. However, when faced with the final two options, selecting the correct one demands the right strategy. Each question type requires a distinct approach, so delve into each category and familiarize yourself with the application of your techniques.

All the best to everyone attempting the exam.

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January 30, 2024

Hi meghanarrajan,

Congratulations on the wonderful score!!

We are incredibly proud and thrilled to hear about your outstanding achievement on the GMAT, scoring a remarkable 760! Your dedication, hard work, and strategic approach truly paid off, and we are honored to have played a part in your journey.

Your detailed account of how you overcame the challenges in the verbal section is inspiring. It is gratifying to know that our methodologies, especially the meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction and the pre-thinking strategy for Critical Reasoning, were instrumental in enhancing your skills.

Here is an image illustrating your enhanced performance in Critical Reasoning: your accuracy has risen to 80%, and the time taken per question has been reduced to an average of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Image Link:

Also, you demonstrated impressive progress in Sentence Correction, elevating your accuracy from 72% to 86%, and notably, you managed to decrease the time spent per question to 1 minute and 12 seconds.

Image link:

Your tips for future GMAT aspirants are invaluable. Emphasizing the importance of quality over quantity in practice and the necessity of a tailored approach to different question types are key insights that many will find beneficial.

Thank you for choosing e-GMAT for your preparation and for recommending our course. Stories like yours motivate us to continue improving and providing the best possible support to our students. We wish you immense success in your future endeavours and are confident that you will excel in whatever path you choose.

All the best!

Abha Mohan

January 04, 2024

Joined: Sep 03, 2023

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Focus score:
605 Q79 V82 DI79

Review of Egmat


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Overall, the use of scholaranium was the most useful for me. That being said, OG questions should be focussed on way more than questions from any test centre. That is something I wish I had realised earlier.
While Egamt drills the basics of all concepts, I felt that relying only on the questions from there could end up hurting you in the long run.
The lectures were all very helpful especially the format of the Quant sections.
I scored 605 on gmat focus on my first attempt, and I will be attempting it again towards the end of this month. Hopefully, I will cross the 645 barrier.
Thank you Egmat for all the help.

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January 10, 2024

Hi stofto886,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us on GMAT Club.

We are glad to hear that you found our lectures, particularly the Quant sections, to be helpful. Our team works diligently to provide comprehensive and engaging content to aid your GMAT preparation.

We are confident that with your dedication and the resources provided by e-GMAT, you're on the right track to achieving your goal of surpassing the 645 barrier in your next GMAT attempt. Keep up the hard work and stay focused.

We appreciate your feedback regarding our questions. It's important to note that our questions have been meticulously crafted through extensive research, ensuring that they closely align with the difficulty and quality standards of the official GMAT questions. Many of our students have experienced significant benefits from these questions, achieving GMAT scores of 700 or higher as a result.

If you have any questions or need further assistance as you prepare for your upcoming attempt, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

All the best!

Abha Mohan

January 02, 2024

Joined: Aug 24, 2022

Posts: 10

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
550 Q42 V25 (Online)



Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


no strength crap course and crap support.

Would make the product better:

i dont think they are there to improve only to sell their course is definitely not for someone looking to improve in 1 month.

took a 1 month plan to improve on my Verbal score which was 38 and 35 in my two attempts and after spending 1 month on their portal I got a V31. The portal is good but the support and the course material are not good for someone at 70% in all CR, SC and RC as when you have all three at this level the data fails as it will ask you to do all the course work and that will be impossible to do in 1 month with work commitments.
regarding the support- I am not sure about other companies on how they communicate with their students but E-Gmat only do it via mail and that too is in 24 hrs, which will not work if you have your deadline in just one month.

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January 11, 2024

Dear Simbamalik,

I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for taking the time to share your thoughts about your experience with our GMAT course. We truly value every piece of feedback, as it helps us refine and enhance our offerings.

I understand your concerns regarding the course and support experience, and I want to address them with the utmost respect. Firstly, your commitment to the one-month plan and active participation in the portal activities did not go unnoticed.

Upon reviewing your case, I noticed that you engaged with our course partially, focusing on a significant number of questions and mocks. While this approach can provide valuable insights, I'd like to emphasize the importance of following the structured curriculum. Our courses are designed to build a comprehensive understanding progressively, ensuring a solid foundation in all aspects of GMAT Verbal.

Regarding your performance on the official GMAT, I understand the frustration of not achieving the desired result. It's worth noting that mock scores are indicative, and variations can occur on the actual exam day. I noticed that on your mocks, you were scoring V37, indicating a potential underperformance on the official test. This outcome might be influenced by several factors such as test-day anxiety or variations in the question difficulty.

I genuinely regret any inconvenience caused by the communication approach, and I appreciate your feedback on this matter. We are continuously working on improving our support channels, and your input will be instrumental in refining our student assistance processes.

I would like to extend help to address any specific concerns you may have and explore how we can better support your GMAT preparation. Your success is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring that you receive the assistance needed to achieve your target score. Please share your ESR with us and we will help you with a strategy if you plan to reattempt anytime soon.

Thank you once again for choosing e-GMAT, and I look forward to the opportunity to assist you further.

Warm regards,

Strategy Expert | Mentor
e-GMAT Support Team

December 28, 2023

Joined: Feb 03, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Focus score:
665 Q90 V81 DI78

In-depth lessons and a great question bank


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


Verbal question-solving techniques and enough DI questions to practice.

Would make the product better:

Module files (non-video) could have a tempo option ie 1.5x and 2x to speed up the lessons.

I gave my GMAT FE on the 12th of December 2023, scoring 665 with Q90, V81 & DI 78. I used e-GMAT's course for the exam preparation. I took 2 months to prep for the exam. Some notes on the overall experience:

1. Quant:
I am an engineering undergrad working in finance, so I was confident in my quant skills. However, Hard quant questions can lead to time-drain if you do not know some essential tricks to solve the question faster or eliminate wrong answer choices. So, if you are starting at a higher ability in quant, revising these tricks can increase confidence by improving time management. I referred to e-GMAT's course materials / videos for these and practised some Medium and Hard questions from the OG. Overall in the actual exam, I solved all questions with 7mins to spare. I reviewed all answer choices but was confident in most. Thankfully, I got all the questions correct.

2. Verbal:
I dedicated 50-60% of my prep time to this section. e-GMAT's materials were helpful and their Question Bank (Scholaranium) is quite advanced. I learned techniques like Pre-thinking and honed my skills through their Cementing and Ability quizzes. However, I could not attempt all the questions in the Scholaranium or the OG due to the short 2-month prep time. I made a few consecutive mistakes in the exam which led to an 81/90.

3. Data Insights:
What a tricky section! Not sure if I was a bit exhausted since I came to this section after Q and V or if the section itself was tricky. Anyway, for DI, I had some familiarity with the different question types (TPA, MSR, DS, etc) in the section but struggled a lot with time management. I think I guessed the last 2 questions in the exam. Due to the no-partial-credit nature of the questions, time-drain is common for questions which you know you can get right. e-GMAT has a lot of DI questions in their Scholaranium and the course materials. I took this section up at the end of my prep and kind of hurried through it since I thought Q and V skills were transferrable to this section [not an excuse for the score ;) ].

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December 27, 2023

Joined: Jun 01, 2020

Posts: 6

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Focus score:
695 Q88 V86 DI79

My GMAT Journey from a 540 to a 740-750 (695 in focused)


Improvement 200 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Establishing a solid groundwork for verbal skills by reinforcing the fundamentals of RC and honing the pre-thinking approach to excel CR.

eGMAT provides a comprehensive GMAT preparation program with excellence in various aspects. In the Quantitative skills domain, the course ensures a thorough understanding of concepts, fostering holistic learning and skill advancement. For those proficient in Quant, P.A.C.E. learning helps pinpoint weaknesses, saving valuable prep time.

In Critical Reasoning, eGMAT employs a pre-thinking approach, serving as an effective strategy that guarantees consistent results by systematically eliminating answer choices. The mentorship support from eGMAT is invaluable during critical moments and proves highly beneficial during revisions. I recommend reaching out to the eGMAT team for mentorship, enhancing the overall learning experience.

A standout feature of eGMAT is its Data Insights (DI) section, marked by in-depth exploration, real-world application, diverse problem sets, and the cultivation of analytical thinking. This specialized focus not only equips you with technical skills but also readies you for handling complex data scenarios in real-world applications. eGMAT's comprehensiveness positions it as a standalone resource, eliminating the need for additional study materials and making it a valuable asset for GMAT preparation.

This resource significantly contributed to enhancing both my Quant and Verbal skills, along with improving my DI scores, ultimately leading to the achievement of a score of 695.

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January 03, 2024

Dear AbhinavSparsh, 

Congratulations on a brilliant score of 695! With this, you have reached the top 2% of the GMAT world. What makes this success sweeter is the 98th percentile verbal score and 95th percentile quant score. It has been a pleasure working with you on this journey to excellence.

I am very happy to hear that the CR course and the pre-thinking approach helped you reach the top verbal score. This image shows how the effort put into internalizing the pre-thinking approach helped you reach 95th percentile + ability in CR:

Image Link:

This methodical approach of building a rock-solid foundation and then reinforcing it through cementing is what really helped you reach the 90th percentile in verbal. You then augmented your ability by using the data analytics on the platform to identify and fix your areas of weakness to reach that 98th percentile in verbal.

In quants too, you were able to leverage the P.A.C.E. feature to identify and fix your areas of weakness. This strategic approach not only helped you save over 40 hours of prep time but also helped you get to the 95th percentile in quants. From the below image we can see that your Scholaranium stats predicted your success in Quant:

Image link:

I am very glad to hear that you found the DI course on the platform sufficient to develop the required technical skills to handle complex data sets in real world scenarios. We have tried to make the course comprehensive to meet the new needs of the GMAT exam and I am glad to hear that you did not have to refer to any other material for DI outside of the platform.

I want to congratulate you again on this phenomenal success and thank you for taking the time to provide a wonderful account of your journey with us. I, on behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, want to wish you all the very best for the next steps in your MBA journey.

Best regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

December 26, 2023

Joined: Mar 31, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V39 (Online)

Thumbs-up for e-GMAT.


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The elaborate content.
User-friendly software.
User forum in each topic.

Initially, I tried to prepare by myself, using the official guides and a few popular study guides. But, my preparation was all over the place, and didn't see any improvement in my performance. After a friend's suggestion, I tried the e-GMAT course. The content was organized very well and the exercises before and after each topic were very helpful in assessing whether I understood the topic. The forums cleared most of the doubts and the team was very responsive to emails. The Sigma X mocks helped identify the gaps in my preparation as they come with a lot of analytical data. My mentor Rida was extremely helpful in fine-tuning my study plan and building my confidence. e-GMAT has everything that one would need to excel in GMAT and I confidently recommend it.

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December 26, 2023

Joined: Sep 16, 2023

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q46 V41

Gmat score 560 to 700


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


-Very well structured course
- Good instructors. punctual response.
- Enthusiasm of instructors in the course (harsha, payal)
- Good quality question banks, very representative of actual gmat like question.

Would make the product better:

enable 2x speed for verbal modules

I started with a GMAT score of 560 and realized I needed to work on my verbal skills.

Course Content: After checking out materials from different places, I found that eGMAT's lessons were really detailed and just what I needed. It takes some time to go through because it's focused on understanding the process, but it's totally worth it.

Questions and Practice Tests: eGMAT's practice questions and tests are great. They're a lot like the real GMAT questions, and the feedback they give is better than other places. I think it's a good idea to use eGMAT just for practicing with their questions and tests.

Support: I need help along the way, and eGMAT's support has been awesome. I sent about 100 emails to support@egmat during my prep, and they always got back to me quickly with helpful answers.

Verbal Skills: eGMAT's ways of teaching Sentence Correction (SC) and Critical Reasoning (CR) really worked for me. Especially the Meaning-Based approach for SC and the Prethinking-Based approach for CR.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 02, 2024

Hi AllwinForReal,

We are thrilled to hear about your impressive jump from 560 to 700 on the GMAT! Your hard work and dedication, combined with our resources, have certainly paid off.

We’re delighted to know that you found our course structure effective and our question banks highly representative of the actual GMAT exam. It's gratifying to hear that our detailed course content and focus on understanding the process were instrumental in enhancing your verbal skills. Below is an image where you can be seen perfecting the Verbs concepts from SC Course.

Image link:

You completed each stage of the course with utmost diligence and all your stats indicated that you were all set to succeed. Here is an image where you can see seen improving from 38% to 73% accuracy SC which is highly commendable.

Image link:

Your appreciation for our practice questions, tests, and the feedback mechanism reaffirms our commitment to providing quality learning materials that closely mirror the real GMAT experience. We're especially pleased to hear about your positive experience with our support team. Knowing that our prompt and helpful responses made a difference in your journey is incredibly rewarding for us.

Regarding your suggestion to enable 2x speed for verbal modules, we sincerely appreciate this input. We continuously strive to improve our platform, and your feedback is crucial in this regard.

Congratulations once again on your remarkable achievement and thank you for choosing e-GMAT. We wish you continued success in your future endeavours.

Abha Mohan

December 26, 2023

Joined: Aug 09, 2023

Posts: 1

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Focus score:
655 Q78 V87 DI82

Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


(1) Exceptional Learning Platform focused on skill and metholody
(2) Extensive question bank and skill cementing approach (Scholanarium)
(3) Unparalleled Mentoring and true commitment to their students´ success

I embarked on my GMAT preparation journey with a modest 560 mock-up score, balancing a full-time executive job. Within five months, eGMAT transformed my approach and gave me all necessary skills, leading me to achieve a very satisfying 655, above my initial target. Here's why I highly recommend eGMAT:

(1) Exceptional Learning Platform: eGMAT's platform is a testament to their vast experience in GMAT preparation. The course is meticulously designed, prioritizing skill learning over mere practice. The guided learning path eliminates the guesswork of what to study each day, ensuring mastery of concepts and methodologies essential for scoring high. As a non-native English speaker, the verbal section was really scary at start… But the eGMAT course was a game-changer for me, boosting my confidence and skills (especially mastering comprehension course, capacity to identify question type and apply prethinking methodology), and placing me in the 99th percentile in the verbal section! The math courses, too, were instrumental in rejuvenating my long-forgotten high school math skills, with comprehensive coverage of all exam aspects. Finally, despite it is very recent, eGMAT provided detailed course and extensive practice materials for the Data Insights section.

(2) The Scholaranium - A Treasure of Practice: eGMAt provide access to what they call the Scholanarium which is an extensive question bank, a vital tool for cementing methodologies. It offers possibility to create custom quizzes to focus on defined level of question, defined area of a section, to focus on timing or on the topic, it helps you as well to keep you error log and every question comes with a very detailed explanation on methodology. Also, you can write down on any question for further detail and personalized answer. Everytime I did, I had an answer in less than 12 hours... This feature alone is a huge time-saver and an invaluable resource.

(3) Unparalleled Mentoring: eGMAT's mentoring system is what truly sets them apart in my opinion. From day one, I was assigned a mentor (Rashmi). I can now say she was instrumental in my success. Her guidance on study rhythm, identifying areas of improvement, and short-term action plans were pivotal. More than that, her unwavering mental and motivational support helped me navigate the emotional ups and downs of GMAT prep. GMAT is a mental roller coaster and having people by your side who unconditionally believe in you, motivate you, and give you the keys to come back stronger, is priceless. After every preparation, every mock up, Rashmi was there to help me to understand the areas to improve, how to prepare for the next one,... up to the preparation of the exam day. Also I have to mention I was really surprised, and it says a lot about eGMAT, when Rajat, the founder himself, started to personally contact me to understand on what I was struggling, giving me crucial last mile one to one coaching and sending regular messages to ensure the best attitude for test day. I can´t see any stronger testament to their commitment to student success.

GMAT preparation is an arduous journey requiring time, energy, and mental fortitude. But with eGMAT's exceptional support, methodology, tools, and dedicated team, I navigated this path successfully. A heartfelt thanks to the entire eGMAT team, especially Rashmi and Rajat, for their unparalleled support.

Recommendation: Without any hesitation, I recommend eGMAT to all GMAT aspirants. Their comprehensive approach and personalized support make a significant difference!

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January 03, 2024

Dear Moulio, 

A hearty congratulations on a well-earned 655😊 What a journey it has been, and I am so glad that you have been able to surpass your target score in this attempt! It has been a pleasure working with you during this journey!

I am really glad to hear that you enjoyed our learning platform. Your improvement from the 26th percentile to the 99th percentile in verbal is a testament to the effort that you put into making the most of the platform. See how despite the challenges of being a non-native speaker, you were able to improve to an exceptional verbal score:

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It is great to know that you found the quant and the DI courses equally effective. As you have rightly mentioned, DI is a new course, and it is important to have a course that is comprehensive and equips you with all the skills needed to excel in DI, and also provides sufficient questions for practice. It is heartening to know that you did not feel the need to refer to any other material on DI and the material on the platform was sufficient for you to reach an enviable score of D82.

It is not just enough to build a rock-solid foundation. To get a top score on the GMAT, you need to excel in applications; for this, you need to practice on great quality questions. Not only that, but you also need tools that help you identify and fix any pockets of weaknesses. It is really commendable how you leveraged the Scholaranium to do targeted practice that helped you excel across the sub-sections. See how this data-driven approach helped you not only improve your accuracy to 79% in word problems but also helped reduce the overall time to 1min 54 seconds:

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Thank you for your amazing feedback on our mentorship program – we place student preparation and success at the core of our philosophy, and it is heartening to learn that it was instrumental in helping you get to your dream score. At the same time, the pleasure has been ours too – working with you and seeing the unwavering commitment to success😊

It must not be easy to balance your busy work life with the GMAT preparation and excel at it, but I am delighted to see how you managed this and achieved a wonderful score. Congratulations again on this wonderful achievement.

Here is wishing you all the very best for all your future endeavors.

Best regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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