January 05, 2017

Joined: Sep 29, 2014

Posts: 4

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710 Q44 V42

Great for consulting; Incredible classmates.


This review is for INSEAD

Program January Intake

Class of 2016

Experience during the program

It's a common refrain that your year at INSEAD is the best year of your life. While I'd like to think that life can get even better in my post-INSEAD years, I don't doubt it was the best year of my life so far.

Partly this is due to the sheer amount that you accomplish over the course of a 10-month programme. The pace is incredible, once you account for classes, recruiting, clubs, travel, and socialising. It's like trying to drink water from a fire hydrant. You can never, ever do everything that one can do at INSEAD. You have to be selective, and have your own unique INSEAD experience.

I applied to INSEAD partly because it was reputed to be a strong consulting school, and my sole focus was to get into an MBB firm. The school's reputation is well deserved. I and nearly one hundred other classmates received MBB offers, and still more received offers from other consulting firms. The process is extremely structured (as you'd expect), and there is a lot of support for those targeting consulting firms.

For those actively avoiding consulting, I got the impression (from my classmates) that career opportunities and support were disappointing, relative to expectations. If this sounds like you, I would do a deeper due diligence on the career prospects INSEAD can offer you.

Having started at the Singapore campus in January, I would strongly recommend the same approach for anyone considering the January class. The smaller cohort size in Singapore (200 vs 300 in Fontainebleau), the warmer weather, and easier access to the airport meant that the 'Singy starters' had an incredible first four months together.

My other main expectation of the programme was to meet some incredible people, and make life-long friends. Yes, and a thousand time yes, on both accounts. The diversity of the class means that your eyes will constantly be opened. Take the time to sit down with classmates, one-on-one, and hear out their stories. You'll be humbled.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Student body, diversity
Alumni Network

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Career opportunities provided by school

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