Brothers Inc, a construction company, spends significant time and money to dismantle older houses piece by piece in order to reuse the wood. Although the company does earn a net profit despite these expenditures, the company could earn even more by adopting a new policy. Brothers’ new land contains hundreds of trees that are already slated to be razed; the company should use those trees for wood instead of the old houses
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports Brothers’ policy to reuse wood?
(A) It is a waste of resources for a company that needs wood to chop down hundreds of trees but not use the wood.
(B) There is virtually no difference in quality between wood reclaimed from older houses and wood processed from newly-chopped trees.
(C) Sawmills can reshape previously used wood much more quickly and cost-effectively than it can shape whole trees.
(D) It would cost the company less to use the trees it already owns than to pay to dismantle homes for previously used wood.
(E) The number of older houses available for dismantling is growing steadily