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6 years
United States
Score: 735 GMAT Focus
GPA: 3.1
Pre-MBA industry: Tech
Post-MBA industry: Consulting
Ross (Michigan)
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 9, 24
4 days ago
16 Sep 2024 07:09
1 year in software consulting followed by 5 more years as a software engineer in a late-stage marketing startup. I was promoted to senior software engineer, then later given the role of team lead over 5-8 software engineers (senior software engineer is still my title). Hoping to start a business after graduation in tech or tech consulting, but would be open to typical tech/consulting positions if I liked the domain/culture/etc. I'm also applying exclusively to Ross in R1 and hope to stay in Southeast Michigan after graduation.

I have solid professional accomplishments, a good LOR from a University of Michigan alumni (not Ross affiliated), and high quality essays. Significant extra-curricular activities and accomplishments, but none involving direct leadership such as serving on boards, etc.
Comments 3 comments
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16 Sep 2024, 17:11
Wow. You have a fantastic GMAT score for a domestic applicant. Your application looks solid. I am not sure if you covered your GPA in an optional essay - that could be something to touch on (my big value add here). However, even if you did not, your GMAT should cover that up and the concerns, but the usually recommended path is to give them a good excuse for the sub 3.3 GPA or 3.4 in Ross's case.

Applying exclusively to Ross is fine but there are trade offs you are making by not applying to other programs. There is value in applying to multiple programs. E.g. what if Broad gives you full ride? What if Fuqua does? or Kellogg admits you? Are those attractive potentially? I do think chances of you making through the process are good. I would not worry too much about the interview - that's not a deciding factor but if you are looking at Consulting as your target industry you want to come off polished in the interview and prep and practice.
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16 Sep 2024, 19:38
Thank you for the feedback!!

I wasn't sure if my GPA was low enough to justify mentioning it in the optional essay, but I decided to mention it anyway. Your feedback makes me glad that I mentioned it!

I go back and forth on whether or not to apply to other programs. I already live in Ann Arbor and really want to stay here, and I also liked the Ross program significantly more than other programs I've researched (even higher ranked programs feel less appealing to me). At the same time, it would be a tough choice between paying full/most tuition at Ross vs. full ride at Fuqua, etc. The rational part of my brain agrees with you and says I should try to apply to 2-3 more schools in R1, but the emotional side of my brain kind of wants to put all my eggs in Ross's basket. I think I'm leaning towards just Ross in R1 and then possibly applying to other programs in R2 if Ross doesn't work out, but I'm aware that's a very emotional action plan to take. It's a conundrum!

Thanks again!
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16 Sep 2024, 19:48
It does not hurt to mention it. They would see it anyway. It has impact on their average, so they would have to contend with that (it has an impact on the rankings).

Totally hear you about Ross. Hope you were able to communicate that to the AdCom as well in the essays. I mean I also applied to 1 school (I tell people it was a mistake though :lol:) but it worked out with 1 egg in 1 basket.

Another play/argument for multiple apps could be to get a scholarship match but Ross is not known for matching or negotiating scholarships unfortunately. With other programs If you get an admit with $$ at Fuqua, you could try to match or at least ask something but Ross is pretty tight after they release decisions and scholarships and usually have no spare funds to spread.

So, I think 1 application is fine though definitely unconventional.