Kudos owned by the user

PTK owns 2135 Kudos, gave away 622 Kudos.

melikcankanatIn three centuries—from 1050 to 1350—several million tons of stone wer30-Jan-2022
aditijain1507Not only did Christopher Columbus refuse to accept the conventional wi28-Jan-2022
yooelkNot only did Christopher Columbus refuse to accept the conventional wi27-Jan-2022
supriya25Not only did Christopher Columbus refuse to accept the conventional wi26-Jan-2022
Komal9872Not only did Christopher Columbus refuse to accept the conventional wi26-Jan-2022
HNelNot only did Christopher Columbus refuse to accept the conventional wi26-Jan-2022
melikcankanatIn the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and t26-Jan-2022
melikcankanatNot only did Christopher Columbus refuse to accept the conventional wi26-Jan-2022
cathyytIn the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and t24-Jan-2022
SohinikRe: A booming population center, the Asian continent is home to over 3.5bi24-Jan-2022
luckyhunchIn three centuries—from 1050 to 1350—several million tons of stone wer23-Jan-2022
studyprep282In the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and t22-Jan-2022
studyprep282In hoping to restrain economic growth, interest rates were raised by22-Jan-2022
studyprep282If current trends continue, by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the U22-Jan-2022
studyprep282Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a22-Jan-2022
studyprep282For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it22-Jan-2022
VKatThe European Union announced that cod and mackerel are the17-Jan-2022
ramgupta01Re: Math: Polygons15-Jan-2022
VordhosbnIn the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and t08-Jan-2022
majirelRe: In astronomy the term "red shift" denotes the extent to which light07-Jan-2022
sk4711How many integers between 1 and 10^2130-Dec-2021
ishan028Re: Unlike the wholesale price of raw wool, the wholesale price of raw cot27-Dec-2021
PUZPRe: Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that st22-Dec-2021
bM22In three centuries—from 1050 to 1350—several million tons of stone wer22-Dec-2021
wywn97How many integers between 1 and 10^2112-Dec-2021
AndreTroncosoIn three centuries—from 1050 to 1350—several million tons of stone wer01-Dec-2021
mc96Re: Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that st21-Nov-2021
kapadiakeval21If current trends continue, by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the U15-Nov-2021
avikroychowdhuryRe: Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that st12-Nov-2021
Lavanya10Re: The country of Baurisia has, until now, been self-sufficient in both07-Nov-2021

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