Kudos owned by the user

alphonsa owns 895 Kudos, gave away 197 Kudos.

shweta1312If x = 1! + 2! + 3! + ... + n! then what is the remainder19-Aug-2014
soumyaranjandashIs x^(k+1) > x^k?19-Aug-2014
shweta1312Is |x| < 5?19-Aug-2014
shweta1312Is the positive integer P a prime number?19-Aug-2014
pratikshrIs p^2 - 1 divisible by 12?16-Aug-2014
pratikshrIs the positive number 'x' an integer?16-Aug-2014
totosamaIn a state school. a student secures an 'overall distinction14-Aug-2014
nelo5390When a number is divided by a divisor it leaves a remainder09-Aug-2014
sri30kanthIn a state school. a student secures an 'overall distinction08-Aug-2014
vad3thaWhich of the following is/are terminating decimal(s)?07-Aug-2014
bhiduIn a state school. a student secures an 'overall distinction05-Aug-2014
RitikadhirRe: A set has a series of numbers such as a that01-Aug-2014
justbequietIn a state school. a student secures an 'overall distinction01-Aug-2014

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