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Sorry once again for this loooong delay..

Before the preparation of this test, I have never really practiced hard in maths for GMAT. This time I tried to prepare as much for maths as for verbal. I am not sure if I was able to live up to my resolve, but I did study more than my previous attempts.
I would say here that practice does help even if you are very good at maths. What practice does primarily is ... increase your confidence. I know we all are hearing this since our childhood..but believe me guys it is still true. When you do lot of questions from different practice tests such as kaplan..and you do well consistently it helps you convince yourself that if i can do here ..i can do them in real test also. That can make all the difference. So never take practice tests lightly because if you do well/not do well in them, your results will always haunt u or inspire you. Of course, in the start when you are still learning from your mistakes, bad results are not uncommon. but start taking full length practice tests only after you are fairly prepared - your basic concepts are clear..and you know the question types well and have practiced fairly.
What I mean here is that suppose after fair amount of decide to take first kaplan test. You take it bit tentatively and say get a 500. Obviously it doesnt mean that you cant do well..but as we are might play on your mind that you didnt do well and so probably you wont do well in the real test also. On the other hand, if you had taken it aggressively with full might have got 620 and, knowing that kaplan tests are much tougher, it would have boosted you tremendously.
Coming to maths.. GMAT maths test very basic concepts..but in very creative ways. You should be very clear on number properties, basic exponents, basic geometry, percentages etc.. Even a slight confusion or lack of clarity in these questions will relegate you to sub 45 score. Even after you know all have to practice a lot with full attention to avoid traps.
Somebody coming from maths/engineering background does hold a edge..but with more practice, others can also reach to that level. I have known quite a few non-engineers who achieved 48+ score and at the same time..some of my Indian engineer friends , who are known to be very good at maths, scored less than 46 in quant.

Coming to the point.. what really works for GMAT ?? Is it the innate skills which are developed over many years as claimed by ETS? Or it is studying strategically? or is it plain hard work?
I would say it is the sum total of all three.. Everything is important.
I know some people who can study for 6 months but still may not even get a 600 score !!!! It doesnt mean they are's just that their certain skills, skills tested by gmat, are raw.
Then there are plenty of us who can do well but are unable to put that kind of dedication behind getting that score. It may be because some of us are simply unable to work hard for the given occasion. or we face serious time crunch, or we prepare half heartedly. It's fine folks if any of such thing happens with you..we are humans !!! The important thing to consider is how important is it for us to get a good GMAT score.. it all boils down to how hungry we are..!!!
But having said that, It’s very important to understand our capabilities and limitations. It’s very easy to dream of a 750+ score but before we get obsessed with that dream it is important to soul search. First, do we have the basic threshold level of skills? If you are taking 5 minutes to calculate a percentage and you have been bad in maths in high it realistic to aim for 80 percentile in maths after preparing for two months even if you prepared with a 10,000$ Kaplan course? Or if you are an international student and you never really even read good magazines in English, then is it reasonable to expect from yourself that in two months you will ace the mind boggling RC’s in the GMAT?
Second, if you feel that you have the requisite skills discussed above, then are you willing to really work your ass off? Or you just like to dream but get scared when it comes to working hard. Are you willing to put a disciplined effort? Do you have the time to work for that?? These are the questions you have to ask yourself before you start believing in your dreams.
If say because of these reasons-you don’t work hard or as said earlier, you have poor basics of either maths or English –you get a bad score. Now , should you blame that ETS computer??
Folks, the point I am trying to make here is that we tend to put lot of pressure on ourselves and when we fail we go into that defeatist mode and try to convince ourselves that either we are not smart or we have been terribly unlucky. Guys, please… it’s not about being smart..this stupid exam of 3 hours which tests certain skills is not going to decide your worth.. we all are much more than this.. we are grown up adults who have done lot in life and who are loved and cared by many…don’t let the result of this exam dominate your consciousness. It’s simply an exam for which you need certain minimum skills and you need to work smartly to get the maximum out of it. So analyze your strengths and weaknesses..give yourself substantial time to prepare, prepare as hard as possible within that time frame leaving no stone unturned ,don’t get overconfident, be careful and just give the shot with no pressure in mind. What you will get most of the time will be what you deserve in lieu of your background and your preparation..and if you feel that you have been really unlucky can take it again. But give your best shot!!!!
Now just some of my views and insights developed on various sections of the test.

Maths: As I said above..first your basics should be solid..and if they are on them. You need very strong basics to ace this section. Go through official guide..try to do as much practice from Kaplan and make use of questions in gmatclub forum. Try to speed up..try to do the questions under 2 minutes to build your speed.
ETS tries to test on tricky concepts such as modulus, inequalities and probability because they know that most of the people struggle in them. Make an extra effort to cement these concepts in your mind…everybody can do simple percentage problems and speed problems..but it is in these abstract topics that ETS tries to kill you and separate men from boys.
More practice you do..more will you realize that it’s all about basics and keeping your cool..once this confidence sets in will not panic in test.. we panic because somewhere we know that we have certain grey areas. If your concepts are well grounded and you have significantly practiced, even if you get some tricky question in the exam you will tell yourself that ..well I have done should not be that difficult..let me try well…
Don’t obsess about very difficult questions on probability etc because you are never going to get them..what you will get are questions that test your basics in these areas.

Verbal is no doubt a tough nut to crack particularly for international students. What makes it difficult is the fact that subtleties of the language cant be learnt that easily. Moreover, the beastly computer adaptive format is very unforgiving. If you are not careful in the start or your basics are not sound and you make errors in first few questions, you are gone for a toss.
First and foremost what I recommend is that if you have time and you don’t read good writings in English regularly, start doing that. You will see that even after few months of conscious reading,you will improve your comprehension and speed significantly.
Once you get that grounding, start understanding the format of verbal questions.

SC: This section seems the easiest but is very tricky in reality and, because SC questions form the major bulk, becomes the deciding factor. I already discussed about it above..only thing I will add is that if it scares you, as it scared me, then practice a lot.. but not without understanding the errors.

RC: Again, more you read..more this section becomes easier. When you read the passage, don’t become involved with the details too much..just observe the shift, the tone, the can always turn back to the passage for specific details..but do understand the gist of the passage in one go. I used to have trouble in scientific passages so I practiced them a each passage one or two questions will be always watch out for traps..

CR.. The only thing I will say about this section is apply common sense. Once you know the format of the questions and what they generally test and mean, start practicing them. Don’t think too much in CR questions. Again, improved focus and reading speed will help in these questions. Lot of people recommend LSAT questions for CR..I will not recommend because of the simple reason that stick with the format which is tested in GMAT.. if you have to take LSAT..then do lsat questions.without knowing the whole format of a test and without learning the skills which might be required for a particular test ( in this case LSAT), it doesn’t make sense to start doing CR questions from LSAT tests when there are plenty of GMAT CR questions available in OG/GMAT+/VSTUDY etc for practice.

One other very important thing I would like to mention is that use the experience and advice of other people from these forums with a pinch of salt. If you read a gmat experience of a person who got a good score or a bad score and then gives us some feedback, don’t take it too literally. I mean, we don’t know who the person is, how much truth is he saying, what is his background and so on. For instance, if a guy who is a literature major and says in his gmat exp that he found verbal very easy..dont take it on face value..and start thinking that I will also find it easy…or if a person writes that how he prepared for 3 months but still got screwed in maths and got a 50%ile,don’t get scared. You never know what is the person’s background and how is he interpreting..
Some people get too carried away after their failure and start blaming everything ..they might say OG is a joke and test is soooooooo hard… don’t panic after reading all this.
What I am saying all this is because I know how these things work in our minds..i know there are some people who are simply amazing in certain things..they will get a 51 in maths by studying just 15 days and if they write that oh..maths was very easy.. then it’s not advisable to take it easy and start thinking that we will also do the same
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THANKS crackgmat750 for your contribution.
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Well, I am back again to say few more things. I know I have tried to say lot of things and taken very long. But then I have put together all this with lot of thought behind it. It has taken lot of my energy but I wanted to be as honest as possible. I know there are numerous others on this board who have scored much better and said lot of things before.

Well, on preparation material.
OG : It has now become a million dollar question that does OG represent the real thing. I think it does represent to a large extent. I know this debate will continue for ever but hate it or love it, you cant ignore OG. Verbal in real one is quite close to OG verbal but I would not stop at OG verbal..once you are through with questions in OG, do sc/cr/rc from vstudy and gmat+. The reason is that when you do OG for first time, you will do some mistakes and learn a lot of new things… but once you are done with OG, you have no stuff to apply your new skills or knowledge ( for ex in the case of SC). Just reviewing your past mistakes in OG might give you false sense of if you do some other official stuff such as gmat+/vstudy, you will cement the concepts.
Maths in OG is easy except for last 50 questions of DS. To get a score above 45-46, you cant rely on OG maths. I would say even Kaplan maths is bit easier than real one, if you are targeting a score of 49+. So what to do? Nothing much..just be very good in basics, practice a lot from whatever material you get and avoid stupid mistakes.
Kaplan: Very good CAT’s.. keep you on your toes. Maths is very good..verbal is fine except for RC which is unnecessary hard. Scoring is don’t get perturbed by that.

Princeton: Maths easy..verbal decent..scoring bit harsh..

800score: Not much value addition.

Gmatclub: A great meeting point where you can ask answers to your doubts .. some great people like paul , prateroian and numerous others who will always offer their help .. some very hard questions discussed in verbal and maths.. decent maths challenges..
Downside is not very organized material..if you are a beginner,you will get overwhelmed by the maze of questions and discussion threads..some very good questions are lost in the maze... I suggest that it should be run more professionally wherein threads are moderated and trash is deleted..infact it’s not a bad idea to start charging very nominal fees from members of this site to invest and make the site more professional. I hope my criticism is taken in a good stride as I consider gmatclub my family.
My test experience:
AWA: After my first test, I never prepared even a single minute for it. Ditto for this time. I always knew that as long as u score 4.0 or more in awa, you are’s the least counted part in your gmat scores. I scored 5.0 this time by writing some trash and finishing both the sections 5 minutes before the time.Advice for awa:
1. Follow some templates given in arco/Kaplan etc.
2. Give examples
3. write as much as possible
4. Try to be grammatically correct and organized in your content
5. Don’t worry much about the quality of the content..for instance, don’t worry about the veracity of the examples you are should make sense .that’s it.

Maths: I wanted to be very careful this time as I knew that only thing which can hurt me is silly mistakes...
I mean I was doing well in kaplan tests..had done reasonable in most gmatclub challenges, in few challenges even scored better than few people who eventually got 49 or 50 in real one.. so knew Iam on the right track…
I knew I had prepared as much as possible within the time frame, and preparing for another 15-20 days, doing another 150 questions, might increase 10-20 points more..but I was losing patience and wanted to get over it. I knew that if I again score less than 46,that means there is some other problem..
Geometry was my grey area.. somehow I always had a mental block when doing geometry questions..
My first question was a simple number line question..second question was a tricky combination of coordinate geometry and geometry…I was anticipating this sudden increase in difficulty was not surprised..I got it in 1.5 minutes but got nervous thinking that Iam missing something..spent another 2 minutes but could not see any trick in that..Iam still not sure if I did it correct ..
After that there were usual mix of difficult and easy questions till question 25.. There were lot of number property questions, few probability questions and some exponents.. There was one tricky probability question very similar to a type of question I did in hard Princeton maths tests.. I fully remember that till question 25 not more than 1-2 questions ruffled me....ofcourse there were some busters but I did crack them..I am still at loss that how I only got 48!! After question 25 there were some easy questions till question 31-32..suddenly the last 4-5 ones were wordy and tricky..I couldn’t do one at number 33-34 and guessed it..i finished the section around 3-4 min before the time. Now , even if I have done those 1-2 questions incorrect in the first 25 apart from question no 33-34..that doesn’t explain my 48 scale score. After the maths section, I had a feeling that I have nailed the section and so was expecting a score of 50..or in worst circumstances 49.. 48 puzzled me..It means that I must have done at least 5-6 questions incorrect out of the scored 28 or so.. or did 2-3 questions incorrect in first 8-10 questions. Now I wish I could know which were those questions..I would have preferred to be challenged by some hard questions and having given up rather than getting into traps which I still cannot fathom. Iam sure silly mistakes got me ..but then I wonder that what else I could have done to avoid them.

Verbal : First time in my GMAT ..I got 3 SC’s in a row. The first one was itself not that easy as I was took me more than 2 min to do that…4th question was CR. Then few more sc’s and cr’s till I hit two back to back rc’s . As I discussed earlier, I was going very fine as far as time was concerned.. None of the rc’s were tough..somewhere around question 18, I was unsure for the first time in one rc question.. one cr got me towards the end.. I got around 4-5 bf questions and they started appearing as early as question 15 or of the them was bit strange.. I think bf questions were fairly easy unlike the bf questions discussed in this forum, some of which I used to have no clue.
SC’s were tough towards the end.. atleast in two of them there was a close call between two choices.i could not eliminate and had to guess..
CR’s were of same standard as the ones in og/gmat+/vstudy .. Rc’s were also of same standard.
Score of 38 suggests that I must have done atleast 6-7 mistakes.. I guess ,going by my memory, I did around 2 rc questions incorrect, 2-3 sc’s wrong and two cr’s..
After the section, I was expecting a 40+ score..but was not surprised to see 38 as I knew the vagaries of verbal section. Moreover, 38 in verbal was satisfactory for me.
I think what made all the difference for me in verbal this time was my improved focus and reading speed and doing lot of extra SC questions from 885 list and vstudy/gmat+.

My practice tests scores:
KAPLAN : 630,590,670, 710
Princeton : 700,680,730
800score : 720 and 660
Kaplan free online test: 680
Princeton online test : 700
Gmatclub maths challenges : My percentile ranged from 93 to 68,but mostly it was 80%ile+

Computer adaptive format of GMAT:
CAT does not spare even the president of United States. It doesn’t care who you are, what is your level, how much you prepared and what were your practice test scores ..what it cares is how you do during those 2.5 hours.. Please be extremely careful in first 10 questions..those 10 questions can kill you if you are not careful..They are not going to be very difficult but slight error in judgement, nervousness or weak basics can get you. That’s the reason why sometime after scoring well in first attempt in one section, people are caught unawares second time. What happens is that they tend to take it easy next time in that section and assume subconsciously that after doing well first time, they should atleast reach to that level again without any problem. What they forget is that CAT doesn’t know what you did first time…

Repeating GMAT: Don’t fall prey to the temptation of taking GMAT again if you know well that you have already prepared enough and if your score in real GMAT is +/-50 of your score in practice tests . Don’t assume that you were unlucky first might be that you already got more than what you deserved. If you really feel that score does not reflect your abilities then take it again, but not without doing honest evaluation of your skills and working much harder than before. Ideally if you score around 680 with 75%ile + in both sections and you were not scoring 750+ in practice tests, forget about retaking and move on to prepare your essays. Ofcourse it depends upon individual cases and sometimes you might need 700+ to compensate for other weak spots in your application. In any case, a 700+ score with 80% ile + in both sections should be enough for any school and will only raise eyebrows if you retake that kind of score.

In the end: GMAT exam is like life in certain ways. It tests your life, it turns the heat on when it really wants to see if you have some balls. Like life, it rewards you if you tackle tough frontiers successfully. But again, like life, you can do well only if you are well prepared and can hold your nerves.
It’s not the end of the world if you don’t do as well as you hoped, but what’s important is to give your best shot and stay honest with yourself.
I wish my best wishes to everybody in this forum who is going to take this exam and I hope that all of you get the score what you want.
Once again thanks to gmatclub, bb, prat, paul, anand, abisurd,ian,boksana, dookie, hardworkerindian, venksune,srijay, bhai, dj, vivek_dj, many others who replied my queries, numerous others who contributed their experiences and hundreds of others who saw my posts and made me realize that Iam not alone in my battle.
I will shut up now and will be happy to answer any other queries you guys might have. Don’t be shy of asking me anything you would like to know either through this forum directly or messaging me or mailing me at

With luv
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hy Crack.....

I must say I am inspired ... I guess I can imagine the ordeal or the adventure that U must have gone through just for this test...

I am happy that U are happy and also even more motivated to 'GO AHEAD ' and yes I am waiting for ur story...

I have my test in few days from now and I hope to do ......well...lets see ....and do not write off everything man that will leave me , with very less to write ...I am planning to write as well and let not the world call me a plaigiarist... hahahahaha... :-D

Goodluck ..Congrats !

Have Fun
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hi crackgmat, your post is by far the best i have ever read. congrats on your score !
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Regarding 885 sc questions, here is the link.. ... 10&start=0

Good luck
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Thank you for your wonderful posts. All your thoughts about life and GMAT are so true! I took GMAT several times too - twice for MBA, and twice for PhD. My last one was today. I have similar emotions to yours. I couldn't postpone the test anymore just because I was too tired of doing problems again and again and feeling that I can't stand it anymore. I got only 670, but I am very happy and relieved too.

I think we can say that we won this battle with GMAT.
WE ARE THE WINNERS! :-D :-D :-D :-D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

P.S. Have you ever thought of writing books or giving lectures. Your style is great, and you can convince anyone in anything!

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Many many congrats for winning this GMAT battle. Yes buddy, we did win this doubt.. And 670 is a very good score. All the best for your applications.
P.S. Your words flattered me..:).. It is always satisfying to know that one was able to communicate well and strike a chord with readers/listeners. Writing a book about GMAT? Yes, why not..:)
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Hi prat and BB
I just realized that my gmat experience has been put in the sticky area. It's humbling experience for me.Thanks!
Now when the dust has been settled and the initial euphoria is over, I look back at my post/experience and wonder what was this whole hullabaloo about? The eternal critic in me says, just increased 20 points ..what's the big deal about??
But, that stupid fellow doest realize that it is not about just 20 points or scoring 700+ in this was about streching my limits, it was about having the courage to fight again after being defeated badly, it was about forcing myself to work hard, it was about knowing my strenghts and limitations and it was about coming out of this battle as a more humble and wise person.
I propose that if gmatclub team finds me good enough, then through this thread I can offer to try to answer to the best of my ability any concern people might have pertaining to the gmat preparation . I see that people ask very familar type of questions in various threads...questions about gmat preparation material, questions about strategies for various sections and so on......same questions which used to bother me.I cant read all the threads but if people ask questions through this thread..I can try to help to the best of my ability. And of course there are some more wise people also who can fill in with their insights. In this way we will have more organized way of helping others..
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Re: End of an Era [#permalink]
crackgmat750 wrote:
I walk down the street.
There is a hole.
I don't see it.
I fall in.
It isn't my fault.

I walk down the same street.
There is still a deep hole.
I pretend not to see it.
I fall in.
I pretend it's still not my fault.

I walk down the same street.
There is still the same deep hole.
I see it.
I fall in anyway.
It's a habit.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole.
I see it.
I walk around it.
I don't fall in.

I walk down a different street.

Portia Nelson

Congrats for your gr8 score and thanx for nice excerption.....
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Congratulations and goodluck with your B school application :lol:
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Dear crackgmat,
Congratulations on your success. I read your complete post and I am touched to see your honest opinion and thoughts.Excellent piece of information. The post is very isnpiring. Good Luck for your application process.

I have just started to prepare for GMAT. My background is engineering and I was good in Maths and ok in English during school days.

Please let me know how much time I should budget to prepare for GMAT in order to get 700+ score. I am married and apart from working has social obligations as well. I thought about how much time I can give to study and I have calculated that to be 25 hours per week.I have been working for the last 9 years so will need to brush up all the concepts as well.

Currently I have

1. Princeton GMAT Guide plus CD
2. Kaplan GMAT guide plus CD
3. OG

and I am planning to order GMAT800 from Kaplan today(at least that gives me reason to start the preparation seriously, since I have delayed it for reasons like work pressure etc...).

Please let me know if this list of material is sufficient to help me get 700+ or do I need some other material as well.Also I will be grateful to you if you can sugest the order(which book first and then whether to do Math first or English or both in parallel) of preparation from your experience.

Your suggestion will be invaluable to me and other guys in this forum who have joined new and has a dream to get into a good business school.

Thank you,
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Thanks for your words buddy. The way you have described things and asked questions, give me enough reason to believe that you are on the right track and are approaching things in a logical manner.
Please see my answers in Bold.

"Please let me know how much time I should budget to prepare for GMAT in order to get 700+ score. I am married and apart from working has social obligations as well. I thought about how much time I can give to study and I have calculated that to be 25 hours per week.I have been working for the last 9 years so will need to brush up all the concepts as well."

If you haven’t in the past prepared for any exam somewhat similar to GMAT , for instance GRE or say Indian MBA entrance exams ( I presume u are from India from your name), I would at least allot 200 hours of dedicated preparation to achieve your full potential. That potential could be 750 also and ideally, owing to your background, should be at least 700+. But it is very important that each hour spent towards completing 200 hours adds some value to your preparation. I mean I won’t add hours spent doing insignificant readings and problems towards that. I hope you got my point.
Are you sure you can take out 25 hours each week considering you are working full time? If you can, nothing like that. So that gives you 2 months to prepare.

“Currently I have

1. Princeton GMAT Guide plus CD
2. Kaplan GMAT guide plus CD
3. OG

and I am planning to order GMAT800 from Kaplan today(at least that gives me reason to start the preparation seriously, since I have delayed it for reasons like work pressure etc...).

Please let me know if this list of material is sufficient to help me get 700+ or do I need some other material as well.Also I will be grateful to you if you can sugest the order(which book first and then whether to do Math first or English or both in parallel) of preparation from your experience.â€
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Thanks [#permalink]
Thanks for taking your time out to reply my queries crackGMAT. You guessed it right I am from India. Since I am very serious about getting good score(atleast to start with I am trying to), I have decided to devote 25 hours per week for GMAT studies. I am fortunate that at the begining itself I could fine a website like this. As this enables me to start this journey on a confident note.......................and you are right I will finish the remaining cans of Beer by that from saturday I will be all set.
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Hi crackGMAT your explanations are so thorough & exhaustive I think you can easily grab a great fortune by becoming a GMAT preparation instructor.
Jokes apart, you are a great inspiration for all GMAT 7** aspirants.
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Nice Posts! I like the bits of life direction you gave!
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